I’ve just started developing a problem with my X-56 throttle control over the last few days and wondered if anyone else had shared the same experience. Whenever I start a flight in the stock A320 the throttle is stuck in the maximum throttle position. If I try to use the mouse cursor to bring the throttle back it just immediately shoots forward to maximum power again.
If I try something smaller else like the Citation or the King Air the right hand throttle will be under full control and work ok but the left engine throttle will be stuck at full power and won’t move.
I’ve tried clearing the input and re-calibrating it but its not made any difference. I’m on the SU10 beta but not sure if thats related or not.
Has anyone else experienced this problem and manage to solve it? Its a new issue for me.
If you pick it up and shake it a bit, do you hear anything rattling around inside? The one I have the screws like to drop out of the bottom of the levers and rattle around inside.
Did you try to move your throttle while in the control options page? Do you see the white bar moving proportionally to the position of your physical throttle?
Also, why are the Throttle 1,2,3,4 all bound to the same Joystick L-Axis X? I would think that if you want a dual-engine setup, you want the Throttle 1 bound to your left throttle axis, and Throttle 2 bound to your right throttle axis. You probably need to reconfigure your control bindings.
Just remember, dual-engine and quad-engine setup requires two different profiles on the X-56. Because on a dual-engine throttle 1 will be the left engine, and throttle 2 is the right engine. But on quad-setup, both throttle 1 and 2 are for the left two engines. If you bind quad-engine setup on the A320. You won’t be able to control engines separately because both engines will be tied to your left throttle.
The white bars all move correctly. It isn’t showing any issues there.
Good points. I think I remember they were configured like because there was a throttle issue with the Just Flight Hawk T1 a while back and as a work around we had to do some strange throttle binding configuration. I think thats probably the cause. I’ll check when I get home tonight and see if thats the issue. Seems probable. Thanks.
Think the key bindings are very likely. I had a similar issue with the X56 when I would pull back on the throttle and the engines were cut. Turned out one of the Throttle Axis had become mapped to the mixture!
Different aircraft requires different bindings. So instead having a single profile like you’re showing in your screenshot. Try to create multiple profiles. For example: A320, 737, 747, SINGLE-PROP, DUAL-PROP, MILITARY, etc. The number of the profiles that you need is the number of different aircraft classes that you usually fly. Since these aircraft behaves differently and coded differently, they require different binding controls. So rather than creating one profile for everything, which will cause problems when flying different types of aircraft. Creating different profiles would make each profile to work specifically for that aircraft you’re currently flying. Whenever you want to fly different aircraft, you just switch the profile, and you’re good to go.
Throttle axis have different types. Throttle Axis, Throttle 1/2/3/4 Axis, Throttle 1/2/3/4 Axis (0-100%), Throttle 1/2/3/4 Axis (-100%-100%). These are all different types of axes that behaves differently in the sim and in the aircraft. Some aircraft are coded to work correctly on one type, while it doesn’t work well with other types. It’s your responsibility to know which aircraft works with which axis types and you also need to make it work according to your flying style.
You can bind one control to multiple commands. But do not bind multiple controls to a single command across “all” of your connected hardware. This is because the sim treats every input from all connected hardware as valid input simultaneously. So if you have a control binding that’s bound to a throttle control in your joystick slider, and having the same command bound in the throttle hardware. Both will conflict each other, because both hardware will feed the sim with conflicting input to the same throttle command. So make sure that if you want to bind throttle controls, remove every throttle command bound to your other hardware, while keeping just one throttle hardware bound to your throttle command. The other way is fine, though. Like binding both Rudder Axis command and Nosewheel steering axis command to the same Joystick Axis Z. For this style, all you need is to twist your joystick to move the Z axis, and the sim will apply both rudder and nose wheel steering at the same time.
I know this is a lot to digest and feels like it’s rocket science. But trust me, most of these “problems” that people seems to experience aren’t really problems. Just improper control configuration and setup. It takes a lot of time to understand and a lot of time to test and trial and error. But spending 3 hours doing all this is worth it for endless hours of enjoyment that you’ll get down the road. And the more you understand how the control bindings work, the more likely you’re able to predict and identify potential issues coming from new updates, that you can stay on top of the changes and avoid the problem before people even report them.
Thanks for all your info and I’ll give it a proper read through tomorrow and have a look in the sim. The weird thing is everything was working ok and there were no real issues until just a couple of days ago then something changed.
You’re absolutely right though I’m sure its a user related issue (ie me) rather than a sudden hardware or software failure, I hope anyway.