
I have an older X-Keys MkII keyboard that I’d like to use; it wasn’t recognized in the last version of msfs, and still isn’t recognized in the latest patch. However, I can open a notepad in windows, press the buttons, and get the appropriate keystrokes.

Has anybody gotten theirs to work in msfs?

I am using a recent 24 key with msfs. Not recognized, but I got this from x-keys "
Well the good news is that I’ve not had this reported before so it is likely a programming issue on your end that we can clear up. Over the past several weeks since it’s release I have learned that programming the hotkey macros for the game should be done in “Hardware mode” with the separation of up and down strokes boxes checked in the Keystrokes tab. After programmed in HW mode you , shutdown MW3.1 completely and give it a go." This worked for me. Hope it helps you.

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Very cool, thx! I’ll give it a try once I fix my pc (power outage + ups failure = damaged c: drive).

I’ve got my PC repaired; hopefully I’ll have time tonight to try this out. Question for you @HumbleHarp41195: Does your x-key device show up as a device you can configure in MSFS (like a keyboard, or joystick)?

No, but keystrokes sent by Xkeys seem to be received in MSFS.

Cool; thanks for the reply. I think my issue may be that I didn’t do the separate down/up keys thing, so I’ll give that a try.

Yay, it works! Thanks for your help!!

I have updated my X-Keys USB Encoder and finding that the software switch jitters, once my hardware switch is selected for the action.
Also it seems that it causes issues with more than one physical switch is selected, it seems to screw up the other assignments.
Any other ideas from X-Key users, would be of assistance. Thanks

Hi, Just came across this thread. I wonder if you could offer some advise. Have an Xkeys SE which is not being detected by MW3.1 however MW3 recognises it. All functions work well using word, wordpad…ie key input is detected however FS2020 does not recognise any keypresses.
Any pointers?

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I just picked up an XK-16 Stick, and the Sim sees it as a game controller. All you need is,
X-keys for Windows.
You can program the board to be recognized as a game controller, and MSFS 2020 will see it.