X-Touch-Mini/Mobiflight problem with Simconnect

Hi All, I have the X-Touch Mini and trying to use it with Mobiflight to control the Cessna G1000 as the MFS with the mouse is incredibly time consuming.
I have got the X-Touch mini communicating with FS2020 using the X-Touch-Mini-FS2020 app and i have installed the latest Mobiflight and placed the ‘mobiflight-event-module’ in the FS2020 community folder. However, when input

“index”: 1,
“event_up”: { “event”: “MobiFlight.AS1000_PFD_FMS_Upper_INC”, “type”: “manual”, “value”: 1 },
“event_down”: { “event”: “MobiFlight.AS1000_PFD_FMS_Upper_DEC”, “type”: “manual”, “value”: 1 },

i run the X-Touch mini fs2020 app it throws up the following error

Event MobiFlight.AS1000_PFD_FMS_Upper_INC, was not found in simconnect list. Using a manual binding
Event MobiFlight.AS1000_PFD_FMS_Upper_DEC, was not found in simconnect list. Using a manual binding

I am not sure what i am doing wrong. I am making the changes in the config_default.json file. Do i need to add the Mobiflight events to the config.schema.json file? It would be great if anyone has any suggestions. Thx