X-tremely Impressed

Great to see a locally built Kiwi aircraft make it into MSFS. Mitchell Williamson and his team from Orbx have done an outstanding job bringing the PAC750 X-STOL to the platform!

Below are a few screenshots captured for an upcoming magazine review :open_book:

ROUND fire extinguishers and oxygen bottles - not OCTAGONAL not angular not hexagonal but ROUND like graphics quality and visuals should be in the year 2022!

By the way the Hype Performance Group Airbus has the same quality, ROUND cockpit flashlight with ROUND flashlight lens, and ROUND high-polygon fire extinguisher…

Unlike some other developers creating their iteration of a “flashlight” LOL, more low-polygon and more ugly blurry textures weren´t even possible:

But back to the Xtreme STOL Xstol… Several versions available, cargo passenger and agriculture airplane.

But with full agriculture tank and full kerosene tanks it is no longer STOL and did not took off on time on Lower Loon Creek :wink:
So choose your payload carefully otherwise it becomes the Xregularrunway and you will overrun the runway into the bush.

It is a really good-looking and high quality plane, nice high-polygon visuals no stupid edges and no round objects that appear as low-polygon angular objects inside the cockpit or outside of the plane, the sound is good.

I could only find three small points of critic, in the agriculture version the display for that huge tank stays black (I would like to have at least a liters on board LCD digits indicator), the small pressure gauge on the fire extinguisher and the oxygen bottles of the skydiving version needs some better textures (I will take care of that), and no boxes and crates appear in the cargo version. It would look cool and immersive seeing some freight on board when fully loading her up :smiley:
But otherwise a perfect plane, highly recommended!