X52 pro half axisY

I have a problem with x52 pro on msfs. I bought new device. I connected it and tested on fs and it worked (could fly nose up/ nose down), but there was no led on throttle and MFD. So decided to install official drivers and soft from logitech. After few hours i did id. Device is seen by hotas software and by windows as controller. There is calibrated and work perfectly. But not in the game. The LY axis work in half. Pulling works ok, but pushing doesn`t. Even pushing by few degrees is read as max. I tried to reinstall x52, removing drivers and install again. Even reinstall msfs. It didnt help. I have old cheap joystick PXN and it works perfectly. Now i can use x52 and wondering to send it back, because naw is useless…
Here some shots from windows vs msfs:

Please help. Maybe there is something to do witch msfs config files.

That’s a very odd problem. I have had an X52 since last summer and it is working very well for me (didn’t even bother to install any official Logitech drivers). I just plugged it in, started up the sim and it was recognized right off and a default profile created. The only thing I had to do was assign or reassign some buttons and switches for personal preferences, and adjust the sensitivity curves and dead zones. But all the axes and sliders were recognized across their full ranges without issue.

If it wasn’t for the fact that Window recognizes your device, I’d almost think you had a hardware problem. What I would suggest is this: go to the sim and delete he profile for the device then close the sim. In Windows, then uninstall all the Logitech driver software, then reboot. Finally, after Windows is running again, plug in the controller, then restart the sim and see if it is recognized “cleanly.”

Thanks for answer.
I did it and it is still wrong. I cant delete the default profil