X56 H.O.T.A.S. thrust lever moves by itself

Hey there. I have a problem with my thrust lever:
If i let loose the thrust lever in the upper section (about 85-90%) it will begin moving slowly by itself up to 100%. It takes about 1-2min to move from ~85% to 100%.

Its annoying, because i have to reajust the thrust lever every 2min. In a cockpit with notches on the thrust lever you hear a click when it moves from cruise to climb or TOGA power for example.

The tighten knob on the side of the thrust deviece is in the “thighten” position.

Have somebody the same issues?

Best regards,

Your house isn’t haunted is it? /wink. Have you tried setting a dead zone maybe? Or a little bigger dead zone? By any chance is your HOTAS plugged into a USB hub or directly into your Tower?

hehe, yes its like an unwanted co- pilot :smile:.

Setting a dead zone doesn’t have an effect i think, because the lever moves to 100% nevertheless. It is a pure mechanical issue. The throttle is connected direct to the tower without a USB hub.

Just a quick question is your joystick and rudder pedals, if you have any also plugged directly into your computer.
The only reason I keep bringing this up. Is I was running out of ports so I used a Powered USb hub at one point for my Throttle, stick and rudders, and it gave me issues. Once I plugged my flight hardware directly into my tower the issues stopped. How about a double binding set up somewhere in settings?

Yes… I have the same throttle, it actually moves to full throttle on its own, I only realised something was wrong when the microlight failed due to overstress, I know I had dropped the throttle body manually, when I took off my VR headset and looked at the lever was at 100%.

I messed with the friction lock knob, back and forth, finally found a spot it does not do that. I think its just the weight.

I was flying and had my flaps go down for no reason, and could not get them back up, while in VR. When I took off my VR, my cat was lying on my desk with his head on my keyboard sleeping.

Hi - I too bad the problem and resolved it by changing the sensitivity settings. I’m not at PC right now but will post my settings for you tomorrow.

Yeah I have the X56 and I had the same issue.

My solution was to really screw in the tension screw really tight. The throttle will become really heavy to move. But once you lift your hand it will stay in position.

Oh dear that sounds…cheap

that’s why I got myself the Thrustmaster TCA Quadrant… Much better throttle control since the detents stay in position… that is until, the tensioning screw broke. So any throttle position outside of the detents, is as slippery as a soapy ice rink.

VKB should release their TECS throttle some time this year. Looks promising.

that looks nice… But I still prefer my TCA Airbus. Hahha… I can pair it to a quad engine setup once the A380X mod is released.

I have exactly the same problem. This is probably a common issue with X56. I am still waiting for Logitech support for a solution.

I doubt they would care about us customers enough to provide a solution to an existing hardware other than fixing the issue on their next product (X57) that you have to buy again.

Just screw it really tight and make sure it doesn’t move as you lift your hands off it.

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Same problem here, brand new x56.

Anyone got any response from Logitech or found a solution?

I tried to figure out a solution in coorporation with Logitech. But i guess they have dont understand my intensions. So there was no result with the cooporation. Unfortunately the only solution is, buy an other HOTAS (for example Warthog (i use it for VFR fkights) or the Thrustmaster TCA Captain Pack (i use it for the FBW or Fenix A320 flights)

I have the xbox full setup and I used thin foam strips for ac windows, cut it and placed it along sides of thrust track so it is stiff and holds perfectly without sliding on own.

works on all similar to prevent slipping, the boing setup is only i haven’t had slippage on.

I had an issue when I had an X55/X56 where it needed a powered USB port to work correctly. Could that be it?