X56 Problems

I have the FS 2020 deluxe with the X56 Rhino. Everything worked fine until the last update. Now when I fly and pull the Y-axis to the stop, the function goes to neutral. The x56 does not do that with the settings and calibration. Only in flight. Is the problem known? does anyone know a solution? Sorry my English

Is this with a default aircraft?
Do you have anything in your community folder?
If so, empty it (or just rename it, MSFS will make a new one), and then see if the issue exists.

This happen with every aircraft.
The Folder is empty. I removed the Folder. The Issue is still there.

Is this the throttle or the stick Y axis

This happen with the stick

You may need to recalibrate it.
Do you know the procedure to clear the current calibration, and then recalibrate it?

I calibrated it a several time on windows. Is ther a way to calibrate in msfs?
If Test the axis everything is well

There is a special calibration that you need top do.

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Yes recalibrate and check the Axis curves in MSFS.

Interesting my X55 Rhino throttle has just started to get some button failures (I believe because of wiring, happened on my Xbox controllers as well) but none of the critical buttons are breaking at the moment :slight_smile:

TBH I’ve had this joystick for 5 years and I love it so will probably pickup the X56 but the newer black one from Logitech if I can find anybody who has them in stock, covid is affected more than just GPU’s…

If I check the axis all is ok. In msfs and on windows. I have no problem in other games. Only when I fly in msfs

I don’t know where the problem is

Is it possible that I have this problem because i wired an other Joypad?

The sim will not work properly with two controllers for the same functions at once.
If you have two connected, that could indeed be your issue.

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So my wiring issues in my X55 would happen everywhere as it was a hardware issue.

@TheSevenflyer is right though if you have added a new joystick then it might be fighting over the same inputs which is a sim related problem and was a classic issue in FSX which mapped the ailerons to both the throttle and the stick!

Try unplugging the Joypad and if that fixes it, remap the Joypad controls.

Solved. I removed the joypad and everything works fine.
Thanks for the support

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That is nice to hear.
Good Flights!

I just bought this stick and it arrived today and I think I hate it already. In the Baron 58, it swerves violently all over the runway. Pull back on the stick nothing happens, continue pressure then I’m going straight up, stall, crash, etc. I tried messing with the calibration and sensitivity, but nothing seems to work. My Hotas 4 works better.

Anyone get the Logitech X56 working?

Did you do the special calibration that is required for them?
If not, read up about 8 posts for the link.

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Thanks. I’m sending it back. I find it very unwieldy when using it in VR. That calibration looks like a total PITA.

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