XBOX Controller Keyboard Not Recognized

Does anyone else have any issues with FS2024 on XBOX not recognizing the controller keypad for keyboard bindings? I just bought one because didn’t want to use a full-sized keyboard and I can use it to type in the menu, but it worthless for bindings. Is this a bug?


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Same for me, I bought the “MOKO Wireless Keyboard” keypad. Works well in search bars, but is not recogized as a Keyboard when trying to bind controls. Really annoying…

Just tried two things and one of them worked:

  1. Removed the receiver from my mouse which was also plugged into the XBOX (series S btw)
  2. Deleted the game and reinstalled it.

As I did both things at the same time, I don’t know what was the real reason for it not working. But the reinstall was good anyway as my airplane sounds were not working before. So if you have a mouse plugged in, try unplugging it. If that doesn’t help, try reinstalling the game. Hope that helps.