Xbox controller pauses long haul flights

Will try that thanks for the replies guys!

I don’t have an Xbox, so I can’t guarantee 100% that this will be the solution that will work. This totally works for PC, so in theory, it should also work on Xbox. Prevent it from going to sleep and it should fix the problem.

Hope it works out. Good luck.

Well, I have a wired mouse so it works for me :wink: So, yes, correction - I think a wireless mouse wouldn’t work just how a wireless controller wouldn’t work.

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Ive used a wired controller and the time out on the box set to not to time out. Inactivity from a wired controller after a period of time cause the box to slumber.

Even with mynew Thrustmaster one attached it still sleeps!

So the plugged in controller doesn’t work, the game still go on pause after 60 mins

Then it must be something at the Xbox hardware level that pauses the game if it doesn’t sense an input during that time period. Looks like AFK flights on Xbox may not be possible.

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There the obvious two settings in the XBox OS Settings you must set and then plug in the controller and all is good.

I can fly up to four hours on Autopilot, haven’t tried longer. I use a USB cable for the controller so it doesn#t go to sleep.

My Xbox is set to German, so the settings are called

  • Leerlaufoptionen auf der Xbox: ‘zeige mir Dinge
’ abstellen und Bildschirmverdunklung auf 4 Stunden (Maximum)
  • Energiemodus & Start auf der Xbox: Ausschalten nach X Stunden InaktivitĂ€t entsprechend hochstellen.
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I have the same problem. I open spotify and turn the sound off. The game dont turn to pause wirh sporify open

I think I’ve figured it out for Xbox. Here is what has worked for me but you must have a Hotas, a wireless mouse, and (I think) it must be a wired controller but maybe not I haven’t tried it wireless but the logic suggests it may work for wireless as well.

1.). Have the Hotas, wireless mouse, and wired controller all turned on and start your flight and get your autopilot cruise set.

2.) Make sure the mouse is working and turn off the controller.

3.) Move the mouse around a bit then turn it off as well.

This will leave only the Hotas on and for whatever reason will prevent the auto pause from happening. This has worked for me a few times.

interesting :slight_smile:
When you say turn off the controller, how are you doing that ?

When you say turn off the mouse, again how are you doing that?

I want to try this but i want to do it right.

To turn off the controller hold down the X-Box jewel button for a moment until it vibrates. A menu pops up and select “Turn off controller”. Mice vary but my wireless mouse has a small switch underneath to turn it off. Personally I always turn off the controller as soon as the game is starting but I leave my mouse turned on.

As Wyzbowski said below, you turn the remote off by holding down the xbox button on the remote until the power options come up, then select turn off controller.

Also as Wyzbowski, my mouse has a switch on the back. If yours doesn’t you may need one that does or could maybe try pulling out the battery.

Hope this works for you.

I personally just plug my wireless controller into the console and rubber band the right stick so that the camera is constantly spinning (make sure it is still spinning when plug wire in). I’ve done many flights like this, often over 10 hours with autopilot flying the plane

I was able to fix this on my Xbox by doing the following:

Xbox menu > Settings > Preferences > Idle options
Uncheck “Show me things when idle”
Set “Dim screen after” to 60 min

Note: I also have a few other settings in General > Power mode and startup (your mileage may vary)
Turn off after 4 hours of inactivity
Turn off after 4 hours of video or music

I have my xbox set to never switch off. I have tried this a couple of times. Had my controller plugged into the xbox and even taken the battery out of controller. The controller does not cause the game to pause. The flight continues but after 60 minutes the game go on pause if there is no interaction with the game. There is no setting to overcome this problem. It is a game issue in my eyes.

Hmmm, never had that issue and like i say, i’ve done some flights well over 10 hours with rubber banding the controller (something you don’t mention doing)

I can confirm that having the “Show me things when idle” option ticked in the Xbox Settings > Preferences > Idle options is what causes it to pause the game.

I tested this by setting the “Dim screen after” to 2 minutes and the “Show me things when idle” option ticked. Started up a flight, put it in autopilot, waited 2 minutes without touching the controller until the screen dimmed, at which point it did not immediately pause but as soon as the side bar showing next achievement info popped up, the game paused itself.

I then unticked the “Show me things when idle” and performed the same test. This time, when the screen dimmed after 2 minutes, the game did not pause, even when the pad turns itself off.


I’m testing this out now. Flying from JFK to Schipol and about 2 hours in, but its now time for the pilot to go sit on the deck and enjoy the outdoors for a bit. We will see

This looks to be fixed for me.

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This is manageable now following the suggestions made above. The simulation continues to run with a darkened screen. Ive run this on an overnight flight and countless 2-10 hr flights.

Thanks to all the responders above.

Its a pity that so much has to be done to achieve this. An extended flight option could be available to do this on an Xbox.

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