Xbox controller pauses long haul flights

Just put Spotify on and it will not pause itself. Much easier.

Yes your right it does work, So I guess this isnt a real bug or problem, my own fault for not figuring it out lol. Sorry Asobo and Microsoft!

I don’t think you should be apologising for something that should be accessible by all.

The sequence needed to ensure the simulation and the display remains visible and active during the time you wish to run the simulation should be easy to do and intuitive within the confines of the user interface.

This is not the case and as can be seen by the submissions in this forum MANY others have struggled to get long hauls to work over extended ‘flights’ on an Xbox.

It is to the credit of an open forum like this that the We/You the users have affected some kind of result.

I look forward to seeing how eventually MS & Asobo implement a much tidier solution.

The bug is now logged.

Toro34 mentioned it above and has it figured out. Unchecking the “show me things while idle” does the trick. Have confirmed with multiple long flights.


This don’t work
 I have my controller hooked up and it does it every 15 or 20 mins.

60mins is not good enough! There are many of us who do long flights and especially overnight flights that take over 8 to 12 hours such as one I’m doing now from JFK New York to Tokyo.

I can’t sleep because I have to stay up to keep using the controller every hour now!

I’ve done New York to London several times on Xbox series S with no interruption. I’ll look at the settings again tomorrow, you must be missing something. The screen will go dim but the sim keeps running.

I can confirm this is true. I’m no longer getting the sim pausing when the controller sleeps or the screen dims.

It’s all tied to the “Show me things when idle” setting. That must be turned off.



When playing msfs on xbox the screen goes into idle mode and on xbox this can’t be turned off this then also pauses my flight is there a setting in the simulator that I can use to turn off so that the flight doesn’t pause whilst the screen is in idle mode?

Hope this makes sense thanks

There is an entire thread on this somewhere here, but the essential part is you need to go to the Xbox settings and find the “Show me things when idle” setting and turn it off.

That will stop the auto-pause.

I tried this, this does not work either :slight_smile:

I was able to fix this on my Xbox by doing the following:

Xbox menu > Settings > Preferences > Idle options
Uncheck “Show me things when idle”
Set “Dim screen after” to 60 min

Note: I also have a few other settings in General > Power mode and startup (your mileage may vary)
Turn off after 4 hours of inactivity
Turn off after 4 hours of video or music

^^^^ see the instructions above ^^^^

It worked perfectly for me, thank you very much. I am playing on Xbox Series X.

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