XBOX Controller Triggers Dont Rudder/Yaw The Aircraft Properly After Update | Jammed Rudder [SOLVED]

When I apply left or right rudder, the rudder just stays like its being trimmed. The rudder is supposed to snap back to center when I let go of the trigger on the controller. This started happening after the last update that added trigger sensitivity fields in the sensitivity section of the controls. When I try to adjust the sensitivity, it just shows that pressing the trigger just toggles the rudder like a switch. This was not how it worked before the latest update. The sim is literally unplayable with the rudder getting stuck in the left or right position. Please tell me that there is a fix for this…

Hi. Same problem. I reset the setting of the controller on the sim and fix it, The rudder return to the center. But… The triggers still acting as a button not as an axis . There are another option to put rudder on triggers as an axis but does work for me.

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The latest update changed the rudder settings. You need to reassign your buttons/triggers from

Rudder Left (Yaw Left}/Rudder Right (Yaw Right)


Rudder Axis Left and Rudder Axis Right


That worked! Thanks for the advice!