I thought of the space issues too - but I bought the Seagate 1 TB external drive and installed it. I set it to be the target for installs, but all the World Updates for FS2020 are still being installed to the internal SSD - maybe because that’s where it started. I seem to still have space on the internal SSD.
Coincidently, my Wi-Fi system was having problems. Every time Cox pushes out an update to the cable modem, my NetGear Wi-Fi router has problems - a gradual deterioration of performance over 24-48 hours - until it doesn’t work at all. I have to reset the modem and then reboot the Netgear router. I think it time to buy a new router.
The HDD must be formatted NTFS, it’s possible MSFS has now been blocked from installing on other formats.
As far as I remember you cannot just point to a drive but it must be a folder or better still you should first set up empty community and official folders in your chosen location and edit the path in UserCfg.opt to their containing folder.
You will need to select a power mode that doesn’t spin down your drives while gaming or you should expect occasional freezes as the drive is accessed
This is an Xbox, not windows. I used the Xbox setting to format the drive (I don’t know the format, but probably NTFS). It still isn’t installing to the Seagate drive (which is designed specifically for the Xbox and is supposed to “integrate” with the internal SSD.
Ah ok, I guess I forgot this was an Xbox thread. Then yes your wifi sounds suspect although it might be network rather than hardware and a new router might not fix it.
I used to run FS2020 on Windows (in a BootCamp partition on my iMac Pro) - it ran great there, but the latest Windows update screwed everything up and I was tired of dealing with Windows problems, so moved to the Xbox.
mhh, do any programs install there? it works fine here? maybe its defect?
did you check if maybe something of msfs is on the internal drive?
otherwise you can move the stuff manual.
I have all the World Updates installed now - except Australia. That downloads, unpacks and then goes back to the start and downloads again. I can let this do this several times with the same results. The issue is with the POI functionality. I was able to get the “flights” and airports to install by selecting them individually. I wonder if anyone has seen this?
Another quick question: how do I get the In-Sim Menu and Options to display? The (stupid) AI Pilot is turned on and I can’t turn it off. (In the Windows version you just move the mouse pointer to the top of the screen and it appears.)
The left stick push does turn on the in-sim menus, but I could’t figure out how to close the menu. I plugged in a mouse, and that made it much easier.
I had used FS2020 for a number of months on the PC - and had no issues with the controls. But I had so much trouble with Win10 (the last update disabled the sim) that I gave up and moved to Xbox. The sim runs just fine - but I had assumed that the standard controller would actually be useful. Not really. It turns out you have to buy a joy stick (only one is supported), a mouse, and probably a keyboard to really control the sim. I haven’t tried the keyboard yet - but this was all unexpected.
Of course, the mouse makes it really nice. Don’t be surprised if you run into the disappearing cursor issue on Xbox. No promises, but I think I read some folks who tried the SU8 beta found the cursor issue fixed.
SU8 comes out tomorrow, so you’ll see for yourself.
Actually there are few options. Thrustmaster does have the Hotas One, but they also have the extremely excellent TCA Boeing Edition Yoke. I have both.
Turtlebeach and Honeycomb have two really nice yoke setups, too.
Take a look:
Flying with the Xbox controller is definitely going to be a compromise.
Thank you so much for this suggestion, this fixed my issue, as well! It’s incredibly frustrating that this even happened because it’s a brand new Xbox that I got on Saturday, so you’d like to think this wouldn’t happen. But again, this cleared it all up, thank you!
I actually tried clicking again and it didn’t seem to work. (I tried clicking on everything - nothing worked.). The Mouse is the key to easier navigation.