XBox Live Game Save service won't start automatically (PC / Steam)

I’m told I need to have ‘XBox Live Game Save’ service running on my PC in order to save game profile but it won’t start automatically. I’ve tried changing the settings but it reverts to manual after a short while and stops running again. How can I force it to start automatically and stay started?




Sorry, what is this? Windows settings? Steam? Is that Windows 11?
Oh, ok, I see it’s GamePass. As stated, I’m on Steam.
…but this is a Windows issue under ‘Services’.

That is the xbox app setting shown. Sorry, I missed you where steam.
Yes win11, but win10 the same.
I changed the picture, game pass not needed. Just install the xbox app from ms store, set as the previous post and forget about it unless you need or want to use it.

See #5.

How to install Microsoft Flight Simulator on Steam – Microsoft Flight Simulator Support (

I’ve tried running the XBox app but unfortunately it doesn’t trigger the Service to start.

No need.
Your profile are stored on your SSD/HDD (steam sync folder)
c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\YourUserNumber\1250410\remote

and steam cloud

When I asked Support (with a support ticket) why my saves and more importantly my profile setups were being corrupted / overwritten they said it was because Cloud Saves weren’t enabled and that on the occasion they did sync, my cloud backup would overwrite my local one. I was advised by Support to enable all XBox Services to prevent that behaviour including manual starts of them. I did save the files in that folder and immediately replaced the cloud backup with my local one.

Don’t know what to do now. :frowning:

So are you saying I don’t need to have any XBox services running, being on Steam?

Same problem here. And same answer from Support. After restarting, it’s on manual again. I’m trying to get back all of my saved data (activities, challenges, etc). Even worse, it’s not showing that I own the Deluxe version or that I have the Reno Air Races DLC.