Xbox marketplace : no new planes

Same…I’m having issues sometimes with both as well. VNAV can sometimes take several on/off toggles before it starts working properly. RNAV and ILS don’t catch glide slope perfectly, causing as you said a sharp downward pitch when it catches. Not every time but now that I’ve flown more it seems to be frequent. I think I saw the dev say there were some AP updates coming today (6/2).

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I agree! I like it quite a bit, I find myself going back to it after flying other planes for a while and its like an “old comfortable shoe” for me. haha

@ElliotPorter how did you get the side by side chart/map?

Half/Full toggle button at bottom.

I love everything about this plane except how easy it is to overspeed and end the flight if you’re not careful…


Quite agree. Way too expensive. If they were more of a reasonable price they’d be surprised but I think they would make more profit as more people would buy them.

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@WasabiDad2405 thanks for that didn’t even notice that option. Love it!

Agreed the over speed is quite easy to do, I turned damage off for now because mine was ending due to damage before audible “overspeed” is completely heard.

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The update has not improved this behavior, sadly. However, the calculated vertial path is still very useful for finding TOD and then setting an appropriate vertical speed.

The HJet is probably the most fun I’ve ever had in this sim on Xbox. What a brilliant addon.

However, I’m currently experiencing very poor performance; low framerate and stutters which seems to happen at every state of the flight and at both default and 3rd party airports. I have also experienced som CTDs in close proximity to some airports. Has anyone else experienced these issues?

I’m having some problem
i am on xbox s if i schedule flights to some third party airports i have installed, for example Lipx, Limc, Liml from different manufacturers, it crashes immediately
first i tested a flight from malmo to kastrup all ok but on arrival the runway lights were off, i flew immediately after the same route with a mooney carenado all ok and all fluid
the same yesterday with another airport
it almost seems that something about the plane is interfering
I would not like to say a heresy but with the external vision I notice stuttering with many other aircraft no, it could be that we need a more performing system than xboxs
however all in all it is a nice product and I can make flights

Just an FYI - There is a new thread for Xbox simmers to discuss 3rd party planes that seems more relevant, this one seems to have worn out its title.


Same here and I feel like it started after thé uptake on Thursday. Before I had some little issues with it but at least I was able to complete a flight now it just CTD every time I try to launch a flight.

And I’m also experiencing the issue with 3rd party airport too.

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I have about 6 one hour flights on my Honda Jet on Xbox X with no issues and super smooth frames even around Los Angelos. i could not be more happy with it performance wise.

My only complaint is with the design of the jet and it’s huge blindspots due to the large “A” pillars. What was Honda thinking? Cirrus got that part right with the Vision Jet for sure. Both great aircraft on my flight sim.

Have you tried the Spirit of Saint Louis yet? :wink: :grin: