XBOX - Pause Menu appears after inactivity

Any help or advice appreciated - since its launch I have been flying via a PC and have recently got hold of an XBOX X and am giving the Sim a go on that platform.

After creating an IFR plan and setting off, autopilot on and the aircarft in cruise and heading in the right direction, I got interrupted for some work calls. I thought, “No problem, everything is set so I can let the plane fly and come back to the console.” I notoced that after a period of time (I reckon about 20 mins) the in sim pause menu comes up and the flight is paused.

Is there a way to stop this happening? (I know I should be sitting in the “cockpit” for the whole flight, but the pacticalities of this sometimes aren’t an option)

Thanks in advance for any help. (I have never had this problem on the PC).


Have you left the controller connected via USB?

I think that if you let the wireless Xbox controller turn off (which probably happens after around 20 minutes of inactivity) then the connection between the console and the controller is lost and that forces the game to pause. This is how most Xbox games work. You can circumvent this by moving the controller from time to time (a stick or anything that doesn’t mess with your flying), just to make sure it doesn’t turn off. Another solution might be to connect the controller to the console with a USB cable, that way (I think, but I’m not 100% sure) it might never turn off.


I have the same problem. I usw in Addition to the Controller an Thrustmaster Hotas X. Both connected via USB and I still geht the Pause Menu after some time…

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Thanks for theresponses. I did a few timed tests and found it was set to 10 minutes of inactivity after which it went to the pause menu. I then found in the XBOX console settings an “IDLE” menu but however the maximum you can set this to is 60 mins. I found even after the controller had turned off the pause menu didnt appear, but guess it will appear after 60 minutes on inactivity.

I suppose this means those long transatlantic flights are now out of the question…

Does anyone know if there is a way to bypass the “idle” time on the console? (I am new to XBOX and picked one up mainly for FS2020)

Same with me although the controller is wireless, but the Hotas on USB. The controller switches off after about 10 to 20 minutes, but Hotas still working. Problem is long flights not touching the Hotas.

Also would like and answer

I have heard of people puttng rubber bands over one of the sticks but I tried and it still switched off, maybe I did it wrong. I have thought of clearing a binding on a button (leaving it blank) and duct taping it down, seeing if that’d work as it should still register as a push and hold button situation like some games might have

I was even thinking if there was a peripheral that you could plug into the control, like a headset for example which requires use of its battery. Surely there’s an override other than doing a mod or something more extreme.

I realise this link is relating to the BluRay player on the XBOX but could be the way to overcome the “IDLE” problem which seems to cause the Pause Menu to appear, so assume it will also work for the gaming side as well and let the Sim continue doing its thing even when there is no controller input being made.

If this doesnt work guess i will be stealing ones of my wifes hairbands @Majorbash15 and constructing an eloborate pulley system running through the house so that I can do other things whilst the sim is running!!


Go to xbox settings, inactivity options and turn off “show content” this should fix the sim pausing


They get even more upset if you try to use the hair band currently in use…. :wink:

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I’m currently downloading the game again trying to fix other problems so I can’t verify if this works yet. I have checked to see that I have the show activity box already ticked and the dim timer maxed out. Are we suppose to untick it otherwise this won’t work either.

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Where are these options? I can’t find them in the settings on my Xbox

I think is located in preferences

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OK, this has been said, but I will show it to you in pictures.

On my XBox, I use this configuration and I can let my plane fly by itself … or almost! If I’m away, no worries, the simulation continues well.

I have an Xbox controller + a Hotas One + keyboard + mouse. Of course, after a few minutes the Xbox controller shuts down, but that does not interfere with the game in any way.

  1. Obviously, everything is done through the “settings” application found in the list of applications.

  2. Launch the application. In the “General” menu, you have the options “Power mode & startup”:

  3. Here, you can declare whether your XBox should stop after a certain period of inactivity, for games, but also for videos. Choose “Don’t turn off automatically” in the first option box:

    So that, your Xbox will never turn off automatically.

    In the “Preferences” menu, you have an “Idle options” sub-menu. Click on it.

  5. In the “Idle options”
    **UNCHECK the “Show me things when idle” checkbox **
    You can set the “Dim screen after” to “10 minutes”

The “Show me things when idle” option is a bit obscur, but it is very simple:
When a game (or simulator) detect inactivity, if this box is checked, it halt and return to the main menu. If this box is unchecked, the game continue and don’t return to main menu.

You can let the “dim” option, so that you can see that your simulator is entering a “stand-by” period. But as soon as you move the mouse/joystick, your screen will return to its normal bright.

Now, you can flight long haul, and don’t care if you need to go out for dog pi**ing, or anything else :wink:


Genius, thanks so much for that solution. Happy flying

This is the correct answer.

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