Xbox/PC screens go black then CTD

Hopefully they will finger it out :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

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I flew yesterday only black avionics … I’m very angry, it is not tested. It’s lucky good day or bad day for this bug


BAD Report

System: Xbox Series S
Airplane: A320N
Flight Route: LSZH - EKCH
Flight Plan: World Map
Live Weather: On
Live Traffic: On
Load-In: Gate cold and dark
Data: On
Rolling cache: 8GB
Mods: None
Peripherals: Controller
Flight time: 1:28

Black Avionics: YES

Issues: Straight after Takeoff (at right turn departures at RWY34) lot of Framerate drops ended up in losing ATC Voice in one direction only my Co Pilots Voice was hearable. During Flight some strange wind gusts which leads nearly that Airplane was out of control. During Des. at around 19000feet suddenly airspeed was dropping from 240knt to 180knt just for half a second or so, after some minutes the same in the other way around from 240knt to 320 and more. At final approach again some Framrate drop. At Touchdown black screen. No CTD so was able to reach the Gate and “unboard” pax.

All over I have to say since SU7 I had no single successful flight - even I installed everything new. I would wish I could rollback to SU6.

I faced already several times (like Jack mentioned above) that even after loading the flight turning on the Batteries Screens stayed black.

I really hope they can provide us a kind of hot fix where the give us a state like we had after SU6 in case of this boring and annoying black screens. Fore me it is a fact if I need to wait until SU8 that this actual situation change I will stop using the software for a while. I know it is sometimes hard to find a memory leak in software code as this is also part of my business, on the other hand I know also after some time even customer patience has an end,…

Maybe? They could provide a kind of 3rd Party Software (Debugging Too) where we can send them more detailed information (dumpfiles) of every single case we face, because to write here God or Bad Reports is better than nothing but only with this reports I think a DEV can’t see what was going on during the event the bug occurred. Just an idea ?



Barcelona /zurich
Black avionics on landing zurich
747 xbox series s
No passengers injured

Barcelona /zurich
Aviónica negra en aterrizaje zurich
747 xbox serie s
Ningún pasajero herido

Yesterday I flew for 6 hours with the King Air 350, I did NTAA → NTTB → NTTG → NTAA, I had absolutely no issues whatsoever.

Today, I just did a 7h30min flight from NTAA to KLAX with the 777-300ER. Again, no issues, no CTD, no black screen.

I’m on Series X with mouse, keyboard, Hotas One, rolling cache off and default airport (with GOTY edition).

Before SU7, I had black avionics only ONE time on the A320neo at the end of last October during a flight between KEWR → KORD (I restarted the flight immediately and everything went fine) and I play since day one on the Xbox Series X (July 27th) and I fly about 1 or 2 times a week, sometimes more.

I never had any CTD during flight but only some very rares times in the menu or in the loading screen BEFORE or AFTER a flight. I’m not sure if this is related to a memory leak, I am no expert on that part.


Just had the same thing happen to me. Half way across the Atlantic All screens went dark. Nothing worked.

Xbox Series X

Asobo FIX IT NOW!!

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crash to desktop after 1h flight with 737max on Xbox S
Add on Bijan fall scenery was on

Good Report

System: Xbox Series S
Aircraft: Boeing 787-10
Flight Route: LFMN - LEMD (Both Handcrafted)
Flight Plan: World Map
Live Weather: On
Live Traffic: On
Load-In: Gate cold and dark
Data: On
Rolling cache: Off
Mods: None
Peripherals: Controller
Flight time: 1:24

Black Avionics: NO

As a reminder, remove all addons before reporting in #bugs-and-issues.

The #bugs-and-issues category is for default content in MSFS per category guidelines.

Thank you.


Bad report …
Ctd after power-up 747 xbox series s just before take off, zurich airport
I laugh for not crying


BAD Report

System: Xbox Series S
Airplane: VOLOCITY
Flight Route: VFR around VIENNA
Flight Plan: n.A. Just choosed LOWW RWY29 to start
Live Weather: On
Live Traffic: On
Load-In: RWY 29
Data: On
Rolling cache: 40GB
Mods: None
Peripherals: Controller
Flight time: 0:29

Black Avionics: YES

After 29min flight time black Avionics and total shutdown of Engines (VOLOCITY). Very sad and disappointing that such fun flight end up in interruption of flight. I have to say it again: I WOULD WISH WE CLOUD ROLLBACK to SU6. With SU6 I had much much much much more successful flights.

my last 10 Flights I had ONLY one successful.

Edit: What about a HOTFIX which has the state of SU6 concerning the Black Screen - I would expect some feedback form DEV on that - just to bring it back in mind we are paying customers isn’t it?


Yeah, I had alot of successful flights after SU6, infact I never saw the black screens, it was rare if I did but after SU7, Im seeing them more. Lets hope for a hotfix, once this is fixed I will buy more add-ons. I just want a working core sim. :unamused:

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I suspect it has something to do with handcrafted purchased airports, it always happens to me at both airports, Lebl / lszh
if someone happens the same, it would be good to report it

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Good report.
System: Xbox Series S (Mouse and keyboard and controller)
Airplane: A20N
Flight Route: MMMX → KORD
Flight Plan: MCDU
Live Weather: On
Live Traffic: off
ATC: off
Load-In: Cold & dark (platform)
Data: On
Rolling cache: 8gb
Mods: FLYMEX MMMX airport / FSDreamTeam KORD int’l Airport
Flight time: 3:56hr

Black Avionics: NO

Enjoying the simulator again! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Bad report on Thanksgiving and my birthday Kjfk to London CTD and cockpit screen went black


Exactly the same as mine. Everything worked for several weeks. Even after hours of flying everything was ok.
I even wanted to write in here, but thought wait and see. After this last update I also have Black Avionics again.

Series S and A320 in my case. And it has nothing to do with Addons. I mean i have only Paderborn Airport from Marketplace.


Bad report

Series s
Aircraft : boeing 777 - 300ER
Flight Route: LIRF-KORD
Live Traffic and live weather on
Flight time:10h
Rolling cache:off
Black avionics : YES!

The runway lights were in the air. It was difficult for me to land as it irritated me


I hope this will be fixed or improved in the next sim update, which is to be released in late February.

The worst part is, that we have to deal with black avionics until late February as a minimum. Three month, including Christmas season.

I hope they provide us some workaround or hot fix in the mean time.


Just as I wrote these lines above and went back to island hopping with smaller planes this happened:

Bad report.
System: Xbox Series S (Mouse and controller)
Airplane: Daher TBM 930
Flight Route: BIEG → BIHU
Flight Plan: MCDU
Live Weather: On
Live Traffic: AI
ATC: on, dead and alive alternating as always
Load-In: runway
Data: On
Rolling cache: 8gb
Mods: None
Flight time: 0:44

Black Avionics: Yes


Good report.
System: Xbox Series S (Hotas One and controller)
Airplane: A320
Flight Route: LIML → LOWW
Flight Plan: High Altitude from World Map including SID, STAR and ILS Approach
Live Weather: On
Live Traffic: Off
ATC: on
Load-In: cold and dark but started with button activation…
Data: On
Rolling cache: 40gb
Mods: None
Flight time: 1:10

Black Avionics: NO

On a side note I have a feeling that a lot of issues in the SIM right now are down to broadband speed connection? I have had a Black Avionics 1 time in 4 months and haven’t had a CTD for about the same time…

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