Xbox Replay Ability with an Add-on. Wow

Hello all, I am new to the forum and sim. I now have around 200 hrs of flight time. So, firstly I want to thank you all for the great information shared on this forum. These are helping a lot.

So as I saw on youtube thanks to PILOT / 0083 (MSFS2020 | XBOX REPLAY ABILITY | LET ME SHOW YOU HOW | LANDING REPLAY | PART 2! - YouTube) that Airliner Missions add-on adds replay function to Xbox version. I gave it a try and yeah that works. That’s a big surprise for me because been waiting that function form the day 1.

I uploaded two videos to share the results with you. EGLL (about 12 minutes )approach and landing and LTBA landing (around 2 minutes).

I captured the videos in Sim Update 9 Beta using record what happened button 1 minute duration and 1080 resolution. So videos are not perfectly synched.

I also wonder how can a third party add on managed it and will this boost the official replay function on Xbox. As you may already know replay function is only limited to those specific missions. Does not work in other flights.

What do you guys think about it?

Ps: trust reversers seem on while approach but they were actually off.


[LTBA](MS Flight Simulator 2020 LTBA Landing Replay on XBox Series X - YouTube


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I wonder the same thing and posed that question on pilot 0083 video.

How is that the mission is able to get replay to work but not on normal flights. Makes zero sense and is frustrating. Replay should be a basic function in a simulator. Heck the X-Plane app on my iPhone has replay.

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As we are facing problems on the XBox side lately, yesterday night I was able to record all flight and replay the landing without any CTD.

For my side, when I dont use add-on airports game is working good. So here is the replay if you would like to watch:

A bad landing :frowning: