[Xbox Series X/S] Visual Downgrade - LOD Reduction


It means they’re, “Still working on it.”

It could become part of this beta, or it could be part of SU12. But it is being worked on, and the bug has been filed, and we await further info. That’s all we know.

They could just patch it right? Im pretty sure theyve done that before. Although i dont know how likely that would be for something like this.


A patch is just a change made to software with the intention of fixing or improving it. No matter how the fix comes, it’ll definitionally be a patch. I think you meant hotfix, which is when a (usually targeted) patch is released quickly, typically bypassing the normal development processes.

I’m not sure if there’s any precedent for this at Asobo. It would also probably heavily depend on the root cause of the issue. If Asobo has intentionally reduced LOD for the sake of balancing visuals with stability, I’d imagine that we’re stuck with this until the next SU (or its beta). Otherwise, it’s anybody’s guess.


Have they ever implemented large changes without a Sim Update? I think not. So it seems we’re stuck with this LOD issue for months. It’s an Anniversary I’ll never forget, that’s for sure.


Asobo has pushed hotfixes before but it looks like this will be more of an update with a beta… but not a full SU12. So, like an 11.5.

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And, since a community manager came in here to tell us about it, I am hopeful it will include a fix for this issue when all is said and done. She didn’t have to do that. Especially if they didn’t plan to include it in this next update. It is telling she posted in here minutes after making the official post about the beta.

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AerMingus, were the ground textures looking like overly compressed Jpeg pictures in the beta too or is this a new issue?

There are two problems now, heavily lowered LOD, with smaller object drawing circle AND textures that look like from an early PS3 game with low budget.

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Yes thank you, i did mean hotfix. I was under the impression that they made hot fix following that one update where the world map stuttered and lagged like crazy and would usually result in a ctd. Im not sure if everyone had that issue on xbox but i did and i remeber that i read somewhere (either here or the subreddit) that a hotfix had been released and indeed the issue was gone for me the next day.

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Thank you for keeping my hopes alive!

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I do my best to pay attention to how they do things around here. And they don’t often talk in detail about things, but their short comments can speak volumes. She came here and told us this is being worked on moments after publicly announcing a new beta, a beta that follows very quickly after a big update. These are very positive signs. Like, this was the second most important thing to share with the public after the beta itself!


At the very least it means our now 1000 post thread is getting some traction and notice. So that’s a job well done for everyone as a first step.


Thanks a lot for acknowledging this. Happy to wait for a proper fix and hopefully no more ‘other stuff’ breaking.

Also hoping the update will fix the fps lags and spikes as well as stuttering which was practically gone after SU10.

Well, here’s hoping the wait isn’t too long :smiley:

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No, that is a job well done for Asobo! Who rolled back our graphics and sparked this 1000 post conversation.

So, TO Asobo!



It was a big issue. Everyone could see it. They are going to fix that quickly because, oof. It would be embarrassing to ignore it. But yeah, we did our part.

And we made friends along the way.

Can’t wait for a fix! This has been cool in here. Great conversations. Nobody lost their head. And we made our point to the powers that be.

So, cheeers again, to all involved. This has been fun.


Yes both issues are there for all Xbox users. Not sure about pc. They will resolve both I’m sure along with the stutters which have made a comeback it seems. :neutral_face:

Haha yes in the end it’s not about the LOD but the friends you made along the way (but please devs continue to look into the LOD).

My temporary fix for this is to try to fly a helicopter with assists off. Between the wild spinning and inevitable crashing I barely have time to notice the textures!


I have taken to flat places like Australia or the Keys. Or above the clouds!

And, I hate to admit it, but I am still taking screenshots.


Bahamas for me. The sea still looks fine and there’s barely any land, and it’s super flat.

Edit: Tons of airports with only one runway and no markings too.


You could easily reach the Florida Keys from the Bahamas!


I’ll have you know sir, Australia is not all flat! :grin:


I will give you that!

Also, I will offer this: It is the flattest of the seven continents. But when it isn’t flat? OMG!

I am not dissing your continent!

Just saying it looks GREAT in spite of this downgrade!


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