Could be my eyes but it does like DX12 has had a slight visual downgrade compared to 11 and if so it’s probably for performance issues, however 12 is still in beta so it doesn’t mean they won’t bring them back up after further optimisation. I’m on PC btw. On the otherhand it might be due to differences in DLSS output or in my case DLSS + DLAA.
Yeah maybe they are working on performance both platforms all I know is the pc version looks spectacular and I am very jealous indeed
I think it’s kind of natural that xbox is always playing catch up as the coding is done on PC first and foremost, I doubt if they could do any of that on xbox, they’re just too limited.
Yes certainly I believe it’s a great achievement it’s at this level on Xbox with the scale/complexity I get it’s a powerful console but other AAA game developers with run of the mill games still struggle to produce a working title
I couldn’t be jealous of those few that have spent ten grand plus on their rigs … For me it’s the opposite because if I’d have had known of the X at release of the sim I’d have prefered to have waited before forking out €1200 to build my machine. €700 is a lot of beer.
This is very true my friend the videos I have seen are probably from expensive rigs I just hope they can get the missing features on Xbox pmdg aircraft/wasm etc etc
That’s what they’re working on so I’d say there’s no doubt.
Still you must enjoy all the 3rd party toys u can have on pc vat sim/atc gizmos etc must be alot of fun
Lol … Just as I did on FSX I mostly fly gliders and have no use for such things … if AI starts bugging me the radio gets turned off.
nice you like the peace and quiet don’t need atc shouting at you flying a glider.i only fly airliners with a bugged default atc in su11 it’s hard work
Default ATC still is terrible yes. A lot of times it is way too late when calling for descent. I ignore it 9 out of 10 times.
Yes been a problem for a long time I always request cruising attitude descent 100nm from final otherwise got to drop from 35k to 2k on the final 2 waypoint.Atc needs a complete overhaul ruins a decent flight plan and ils approach
Definitley a reduction in visual qulity since the new update. Resolution is very poor. This is on approach to Mykonos…but the quality downgrade is noticable everywhere. You can see the textures are incredibly poor.
It also appears the texture issue is also a problem on aircraft. This is the LVFR A319. No texture problems before but now the engine fan textures are terrible.
Even my RTX 3080 struggles on 1440p and in ultra high settings, Series X is simply not powerfull enough for this sim. Probably they set the resolution back to 1080p/medium settings?
They won’t downgrade resolution to 1080p .
Xbox is able to run the sim but not with complex aircraft as pmdg or Fenix
Is the 414AW not complex? I run that happily since buying a couple of weeks ago and no CTD etc
Yes it can. If they can manage the memory issues. Because the (lack of) memory is what hurting Xbox the most.
That’s probably one of the reasons why they are “playing” with the LOD settings in the beta.
Sorry but I am a bit confused by your post ,do you mean Xbox with SU11 Beta.25 is poor ?,because you mention only SU9 and SU10 and this discussion is about SU11 Beta .25 ?,maybe I am thick but can you possibly clear this up
Don’t allow yourself to be swayed by certain posters to believe that severe compromises must be made to accommodate the XBOX. The proof that most, if not all, of the constant battle between performance and image quality rests with the software itself is that there are MANY PC users with top of the line systems (12900K CPUs, RTX 3090s, and gobs of RAM) who are complaining about all of the same things we XBOX users are.
Also, we have a data point in the past, around the time of Sim Update 7, where XBOX performance was excellent, nearly on par with SU 10 and 11, yet image quality was miles better than what we have seen recently. Most of the complaints back then were about features, like dissatisfaction with how the weather module worked, rather than performance or image quality. I know in my case, running on a Series X, I have never again seen the combination of good performance and excellent image quality that I experienced with SU 7. Once SU 8 dropped, it was all downhill, with the exception of SU 10 restoring performance and possibly making it a slight bit better. But to get there, we lost antialiasing (since SU 9, the XBOX version has had no apparent antialiasing at all, while it definitely did before), may have lost some anisotropic filtering, experienced varying degrees of LOD tweaking and pop-in, and are now experiencing obvious and severe reduction in terrain texture resolution as well as more LOD reductions.
We’ve already been somewhere that worked much better (with the exception of a few crashes that needed to be figured out), so it can be done without crippling the visuals.