Xbox Series X - some positivity is due

The initial release of wu9 was disastrous and messed up a lot the performance on series x though after the first quick fix I have to say that the sim is running beautifully and I can’t be alone for sure

Today I’m feeling way more positive than i was months ago where nothing was coming on xbox, we’re just missing the real goodies that should be brought after su10

Even if the xbox is a closed system and everybody should get the same results i feel like that’s more going on than the average console game here that mess this concept (internet, user location, server status and god knows what else); another thing is confusing what’s it’s core sim issue and specific plane issue (which obviously shouldn’t be there but I feel like here everything is thrown in the same cauldron)

That’s said I hope everybody will find a bit of peace of mind

Stay safe


After a bit of messing around, the only thing that seems to be causing me issues (CTD) is live traffic and multiplayer. Switching them off and it runs fine. I can live with that.


To be honest I am seeing what appears to be photogrammetry issues in some of your screenshots in London,New York was rarely a problem for many including me and generally looks good .WU 9 ( I assume you meant to say WU9 and not SU9…?) offered nothing performance wise for me possibly the opposite in fact .

I personally do not require any ’ goodies ’ for SU10 at all ,I would much prefer a simple return to the basic excellent performance I and many other Xbox users enjoyed pre SU9 ,hopefully fixing these issues for many of us ( not all ) will be their main priority,this is what I am seeing over London…


with the few scenery packs i have now removed but still for some reason i cant start a flight within Switzerland, my XBX is doing fine nearly SU8 smooth
strangely since a forced reserve memory clearance , then re-install of all the add-ons on my XBS all runs fine on that one

I have a Xbox Series S. With the new update I have been dealing with a few bugs that unfortunately ruins my fun for flying in the sim. First from time to time the black screen issue would appear, which makes it impossible to fly. Along with that the engines of either the a320 or 787 would shut off during mid flight. If you guys are dealing with similar issues and have a work around that would be greatly appreciated!

I have to agree

I made a flight from Brazil to South Africa with the default 747 (first time I do a long flight in this simulator) and everything went well, 7h of flight and no FPS drops and no bugs, I did it via XCloud with Online AI Traffic & multiplayer. I was surprised because when I followed the forum I saw a lot of complaints about FPS drops and other bugs that are caused on long-haul flights. But I understand that the people who are complaining here are not crazy, there are several variables involved in a project like this. My simulator doesn’t have any addon so I believe this also helps to avoid having problems.

I’ve been through Europe and I’m going to Canada, to the US and finally back to Brazil. Overall, after the Hotfix everything went back to normal and I am satisfied with this stability.

I don’t have a workaround but I do know that the devs need help from those affected by black screens to be able to fix the issue. See post here:

Generally speaking I’d definitely agree with the sentiment of the thread. I’ve been enjoying some fantastic flights on Series X recently. It still blows my mind that they have been able to squeeze the sim onto a console. I’m looking forward to some performance improvements in forthcoming sim updates, but generally already very happy with what we have already.


IMO Series X runs MSFS just as well as PC’s 4x its cost plain and simple.

The only issue ive noticed as of late is the draw distance of other aircraft (how close they have to be before the plane appears) is way too low.

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