This is the exact post I was actually referring to in one of my replies. This is how I solved my issue. But I don’t know why setting throttle to TOGA won’t get the bird to hit 100% thrust. The green bar is all the way up when I calibrated for TOGA so that’s max throttle and the A/B commands are working as expected. This is literally the only aircraft in my hanger that doesn’t hit 100% thrust.
I’m referring to the actual engine percentage in the aircraft’s digital console and not the throttle indent, which is at 45 already (max)
So it seems, the 320 Neo’s engines and onboard computers are designed this way and the sim is trying to depict that. Therefore, on a hotter day you may see TOGA taking engine thrust all the way to or close to 100% while on a colder day it may hover around 90% or less.
Very interesting to say the least, thanks! The v1 Neo apparently does not simulated this Ans the A310 and 747 probably don’t have this integrated feature IRL that’s why you can achieve 100% thrust with those jets.
What’s the highest thrust in percentage you have achieved on this aircraft btw with throttle set to TOGA?