XBox Users. What addons have you downloaded and do you rate them?

I’ve bought:

• Junkers JU-52 — Great model, really fun to operate and fly minimal issues. Hoping for some small fixes and improvements.

• Carenado YMF5 — Bought it on sale. Great model and detailing. I haven’t flown it enough to have a strong opinion overall. I’m not entirely crazy about the seating position in biplanes, but that’s subjective. The landing & taxi lights aim directly at the ground and cast very small light pools directly below them, which do nothing for actual lighting when taxiing/landing. There is an ongoing issue getting the Carenado tablet to hide, but there are ways to get that to finally work.

• Carenado C170B — Bought on sale. Easily my favorite aircraft. I love the simplicity, the 1950s styling and the detail in the model. Much like the base Cessna 152, It’s the kind of basics aircraft that forces you to be in touch with your flying rather than relying on computers to work for you. I just love the thing and find myself shopping for a real one. Issues are the same tablet hiding as on the YMF5, an issue sim-wide with the Garmin Aera “back” button, and the taxi & landing lights cast absolutely no light in the environment, so you’re taxiing in the dark. Did I mention I love this aircraft?!

• PMDG DC-6 — No need to elaborate here. Everything has been well documented. Love it on my PC can’t wait to get it fixed for Xbox.

• Zinertek Enhanced Airport Graphics — I like the added ground detail and I haven’t had any issues with this.

• LatinVFR AREX North America — Like the above, I really like the regional ground vehicles. It adds a familiarity to the airports that the base sim vehicles did not. No issues that I’m aware of.

• Working Title Garmin G1000 NXi — Awesome product, awesome support and community involvement. How do I give you guys money?!

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Taxi the plane few meters, then clic on the tablet, it will disapear.

A whole list of addons not working on the Xbox would be a good idea. Would be nice if we could figure out how to do it in the form of a chart that could be edited and updated, instead of having to scroll thru countless messages. Don’t get me wrong though, messages are definitely helpful and are appreciated!


It sure will however with updates and changes the topic will require updates and on a weekly basis . I’m more than happy to compile it as well as other community members and developers as it will give a clear more precise picture of what is working on what system and what is not working

Thanks for the heads up with LVFR and Dreamteam incompatibility

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You are welcome also avoid drzewecki designs UUEE Moscow , CTD, no lights working inside airport and Chicago landmarks at the moment there is a guarantee of CTDs with that installed and you will not be able to spawn in either Midway or Ohare . Stanislaw , the developer is aware of this issue and is problem on Asobo side . This applies to the Xbox series s and x version . Also KLAS Las Vegas is CTD and clashes with LFVR made by fly Tampa. This is so far on the current latest beta build .

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Yeah can confirm - I have had this airport since it released on Xbox and I think I’ve only been able to get the Ju-52 out of there without CTD.

Besides the two you listed have you noticed any other issues with his add ons? I’d like to purchase some more of his airports (I have KDCA and it seems to work OK).

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There’s nothing stopping us making a spreadsheet in google sheets and making it editable for anyone using the link. Post that link here in the forums.

Then as we find issues with DLC, we go on to the spreadsheet via the link and then add our own comments; update as necessary.

I don’t mind making the initial spreadsheet if people are ok with it. It would also be easier to do it this way as one person won’t be responsible for testing hundreds of products…


they are having a BIG SALE

Im on Xbox and have dowloaded San Diego airport and like it nice job on the airport. I also got the 737 MAX it def has few issues that need attention asap ( bank angle warning to soon / stab trim way wrong / aircraft overpowered its not a jet fighter ) but overall they got a good start needs more tweaking

So far I have Seattle landmarks, Vancouver International airport and enhanced airport graphics. No issues with any yet, I am pleased with all of them. Big sale on the marketplace right now, probably going to pickup the Embraer 110 for 40% off.

Wow, 40% off the Embraer 110. That’s two fingers given to the people who bought the plane on release, just a week ago.
Enjoying the sale all the same.

On my Xbox series X ( roll 60GB):

buy yesterday on sale but CTD everytime.

I started this post because of continual CTD, which seem to be associated with scenery addons.

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I have deleted most of my airports made a big difference after all its a Xbox not a high end pc

Asked MS for a refund, they agreed and transfered amount on my MS account.

The Embraer 110 has an issue on Xbox where you cannot “click” on the throttle, propellor RPM or mixture control levers and, thus, cannot manipulate them independently with the controller.

With the default Xbox controller I’m assuming?

It works perfect with a Hotas one and wireless mouse.

I’ve got a Hotas One and pedals. I don’t have a mouse, so maybe it is an issue with the controller as a mouse function.

I have a problem with the trim on the velocity one if you move it the plane crashes into the ground only on this aircraft