Xbox VFR map on PC and/or mobile device

The Xbox VFR map is very limited and occupies a great deal of valuable screen real estate. Most of the time in use, it provides a very limited range of information both visual and textual.

If this window could also be viewed on a mobile/tablet or another PC that could be very useful, coupled with a higher level of selectable details, roads with names, countries names etc… It would also help towards reducing screen clutter on the active sim window.

If I can play the sim now on my mobile (as is the case) - simply displaying this information must be possible.

Yes absolutely, even better would be to be able to use the XBOX app on a tablet as a secondary monitor.
Streaming is possible without any problems.

(Deepl Translate :wink: )

To have a more complete VFR Maps, you can use tiers app like airmate, or Navigraph.
Best regards

Navigraph does not offer VFR maps (yet) and as the OP is on Xbox also does not allow to use its moving map capability. AFAIK

Airmate is an app which is used in Real Life, for VFR flying. It’s a great app which offer same experience than real.

On PC… it’s not available on Xbox (we haven’t simconnect for tierce app on console) :wink:

No need of Sim Connect to VFR Flight… like in real life… so PC or Xbox it’s the same

You need simconnect if you want to track your flight on a tiers app for Flight Simulator.
How the tiers app could know where your plane is else ?

this is precisely the purpose of VFR navigation. Do not use GPS

You confuse between VFR navigation and VFR application ^^
In VFR navigation you don’t use GPS, yes… But a VFR APPLICATION needs GPS for know where you are for display your information on screen correctly. Without GPS, a VFR application is as useful as a paper map like in 1914.

You have quote Airmate as an example… GPS is in his requierement !

This app has access to:

  • approximate location (network-based)
  • precise location (GPS and network-based)

AirMate - Apps on Google Play