[XBOX] [VOR] avionics bug after capturing a VOR

hello, I’m doing this post a little in distress, I have a huge bug on a lot of planes (not tested on g1000 yet, but the bug doesn’t seem to exist on the liners)

as soon as I try to pick up a vor, it works for a few seconds then the avionics starts messing around. on cessna 152 the CDI flags and everything flashes (the gauges, the radio, etc.) the essential instruments work

on the robin dr400, same as for the cessna

on robin cap10 it’s even worse, everything works, as soon as I switch the active frequency to the vor, it works for a few seconds then all the instruments lock up and flag (artificial horizon, compass, altimeter)

I specify that I am on XBOX, that necessarily all that I installed comes from the marketplace, and that I never had this bug before (but I did not use the vor)
the only thing that I changed recently is that to save space on my disk I deleted the downloadable contents and reinstalled the essentials, and I specify that I do not have much space left on the disk (10gb approx)

to reproduce this bug (if possible) just put a vor nearby, from the moment it picks up, the bug appears a few seconds later

thank you for listening

Not on XBox, but I can confirm the 152 doesn’t do that on PC, at least for me.

Something else that struck me in your first video was the bouncing fuel gauges. If you weren’t on XBox I would have assumed you were using some addon or other.

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Your topic has been moved into the General Discussion & Community Support category.

The Bug Reporting category is for posting suspected or confirmed bugs that other users are able to reproduce without duplicating an existing bug topic. Using the template is required in order to provide valuable information, feedback, and replication steps to our test team.

If you are not sure if your issue is a bug or need further input from the community, please use the General Discussion & Community Support category. If the community can replicate your issue, first search the Bug Reporting category to see if there’s an existing topic. If it already exists, contribute to that report. Duplicate bug reports will be closed.

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NOTE: All issues caused by or involving third-party addons/mods should be reported to the third-party developer. Assure that no addons/mods are used when reporting issues in Bug Reports.

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Thank you very much, sorry for the location of the post. I don’t think it’s specifically related to any particular addon it worked before, even after the latest updates

most of the addons are from Microsoft and the few addons from third party developers have never caused this problem and I’m starting to suspect it’s hdd space related

but if I can’t find a solution, I will try to uninstall everything again and reinstall everything by installing each add-on one by one.

and I will contact the developers of course

Hi @BraceletGoutte2,
Sometimes marketplace addons could also cause this. It’s trying to find which one. If you do discover that this issue continues after removing all addons, feel free to report in Bug Reports using the template.

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update: I deleted all addons from third-party developers, the problem persists, I will try to delete the simulator and reinstall….

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Re: I uninstalled everything from the hard drive of the console (addon and game) and with the vanilla game the problem still persists, I’m going to do some tests with the g1000 or with other analog planes but I’m convinced that the problem comes from the simulator

well I’m lost, it’s clearly not an addons problem, and it’s clearly not a problem related to a particular plane or a particular avionics

I tested with the pc6 (without g1000) it seems to work just like with the airbus a320, on the other hand with the diammond da40 g1000, same problem, everything goes off even the emergency instruments

I don’t know what to do anymore, even the microsoft addons have been deleted (except what is mandatory) I’ve never had such a serious bug in 120 hours. I want to buy the 737 pdmg but I don’t trust the game

I made this navigation without problem on Monday however…

Hi @BraceletGoutte2,
Go ahead a make a bug report in #bugs:aircraft-systems using the template. Make sure you specify this is for Xbox as I’m unable to replicate on a PC using the cadet. :+1:

ok i will do that. but as several devices are concerned I focus on one device? what do you mean by “cadet” dr400 cadet?

Yes. :slight_smile:

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well, I made some videos with the dr400, and I’m about to release the post

but it bothers me to focus on the dr400 knowing that not only a lot of planes have the same problem but a few planes work perfectly

it is not related to avionics, an example the DA40 and DA60 do not work, all PC6 work

for those I took the trouble to try, always under the same conditions

list of devices that have the problem:

Cessna 152
Cessna 172
King air

list of devices that work perfectly:
Cessna grand caravan
Cessna cj4
Pc6 b2h4 (g950)
Airbus a320

to post only on the dr400 would be off the mark, it’s not a problem of an aircraft but a problem of the whole game