Xcloud stuck on checking for updates

I havent been able to even start the game since whatever update came the last days. Its just says checking for updates.
If I push the xbox button it goes to the loadingscreen but never goes past that.
So now I deneted my profile, second time since it came out for xbox, I play on xcloud.
But, didnt help!!
Still checking for updates and when it start all my stats are gone and I gotta fix all my controller settings again and all downloads!
hate this!

It never starts.

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Does anybody has sny sort of trick I can use to get this game started again?!
I play on xcloud and the only thing I can delete ( when playing through a console) is my profile, and already done that and it did nothing, so did it all in vain!

When I start it up it just says checking for update, until I push anything ( after a while it asks me if I am still playing, and I have to push yes or it turns off xcloud gamesession) then it jumps out of that to the loading screen, but it never loads up.

How do you reinstall EVERYTHING on xcloud?! My playing was already very bad and something had been corrupted a couple of weeks ago, and now its like this.

Sorry, I had to delete the game and reinstall it on Series S. This week has been terrible when loading the game… looks like everyone was on holidays in MSFS support!!

Oh! A new thread, well that was good I guess.
Then please please please help me!

I really cant start the game!
It seems it goes south on the loadingscreen around 50% loaded, because at that point the cursor disappears and when the loadi g bar is at 100%… it just stays there.

Tried on two different consoles now and through my PC.
This is all on xcloud.

There is really nothing I can change on my end.

The game got strange a few weeks ago after I was in the loggbook looking at my recent flights, and for some reason it didnt like that and it got a bit strange, and after that the cowan r22 was all pink and there was this same pink graphics in the background on the menus.
But it went away but then a new update came out and the game never managed to install that update, as it was something that had become corrupted and therefore couldnt update.
Well that meant I could not see airports on the world map anymore, but could start in the air and some airports was there.

Well then after the germany update the game started crashing on some places just zooming in on the world map.
And could again not update whatever updates came with that and this weeks update apparently completely stops my unuodated game from updating or even starting now.

So there is a virtual console on xcloud now that is basically bricked and I am locked out of the game! Its basically the only thing I play!
Just deleting my profile to hopefully load the game is a heartbreaking decision and it didnt even help me.

And no, cant afford a new xbox.
I have been on xbox live for…. EVER….

Please help MS/Asobo

You may also wish to contact official support via Zendesk.

As I write this, it is a holiday weekend for Microsoft and you may not receive a response right away.

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zendesk support helped me and I got the game up and running again!!
OMG!!! So happy!

here is what fixed it:

To manage your inventory, open cloud gaming storage management.

  1. Go to Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta) on  Xbox.com and sign in with your Microsoft account.
  2. Select the Settings icon.
  3. Select the Manage games tab.
  4. You’ll see a list of all games you’ve played through cloud gaming over the last 30 days. If the list is blank or you don’t see the game title you’re looking for, launch that game, exit the game and wait 1-2 minutes, and then return to the Manage games tab to see a repopulated list of game titles.
  5. Select Microsoft Flight Simulator
  6. Delete some or all storage items, then try launching the sim again.

I deleted the game so it had to download again, and on cloud that is a tiny download, buteverything is gone now but the most imortant thing is I can fly again.
Now its time to download all the bought stuff.


Happy you are up and running again! And thank you for posting the steps you took to get it working as this would assist others. :+1:


yes thank you so much for your help!

just started my first flight, going to keep the game as standard as I can for a while to see if it works better.

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strange sideeffect of this restart of the sim for me, its always taken 5 minutes to start the game, until it gets to the asobo studio logo, now it takes maybe 30 seconds!
really nice!
Has this changed for anybody else via en cloud update or how can this be?

It is because you still did not download everything you had installed before I guess. When I empty my community folder, the sim is up and running an less than half the time it takes with a full community folder.