XF-11 Across South Korea

Date/Time: 2024-05-04T20:00:00Z
Route: RKTP :arrow_right: RKSS :arrow_right: RKNY :arrow_right: RKTN :arrow_right: RKJY
Length: 500 NM
Aircraft: XF-11 or anything that can match its performance
Average speed: 300 knots
Duration: 2.5 Hrs
Server: South East Asia


It’s been a while since we flew this XF-11 together. Let’s fix this and use the release of the version 1.2 as an excuse to have a fun group flight.

This flight will take us all around South Korea. If, just like me, you never really flew there after years of MSFS, you will find the place to be quite pretty, with some nice mountains all around.

The beginning of the flight will be at low altitude, trying to find our ways in large and not so dangerous valleys. You will need to use speed in order to get manoeuvrability. And for the brave pilots, there will also be a lot of bridges along this first leg. You will decide if you dare flying under them!

We will fly across this scenic country, from Seoul to Busan, by Gangneung and others. There will be high altitude legs, we will see a variety of landscapes.

See you really soon!

Flight Plan

XF-11 Across South Korea.pln (13.5 KB)