I totally agree. Why does one have to make a choice when one can do both when one desires this or that?
Also I dont get the idea that “game” is a swear word for some people. Sitting behind a computer screen will always always have a game element to it because it can never ever simulate real life however clever the programming is.
X-Plane has a really nice flight model and some great add ons. Zibo 737 is amazing. Ortho 4XP is great and allows for very nice ground textures, but takes time to optimize (Cloud removal, custom water masks etc.) Also X-Plane can achieve very good performance on older machines. Bugs are hard to find in X-Plane, runs very stable. IFR systems are good and work reliably. UI is very streamlined and easy to use. Lighting is OK but not great. Same goes for ground objects like trees and houses.
MSFS offers an amazing package with ATC, AI and real Traffic, Multiplayer and Ortho’s for the whole planet. Superb lighting engine and excellent ground objects and water. Flight model needs improvement, especially when landing (close to the ground). IFR systems need improvement. The software is still very buggy and needs to get more stable.
Both Sims are fun to use, and IMHO both deserve to be called “Simulation”.
I am sure MSFS can grow to eventually fulfill the very high expectations many people had/have for it.
I hope X-Plane as well as MSFS will be with us for a long time. Like them both and use them both.
But it’s needed ‘the community’ to make airports by the 1000’s for X-Plane for the mugs’r’us hallowed Gateway because they weren’t in the sim, and if there’s any sim that needs 3rd party addons for it to be fixed you’d be a pure hypocrite to not state it’s X-Plane.
Weather, scenery, ATC, aircraft, graphics and visuals, performance, reliability, aircraft that actually work as they should with proper full functionality, compatibility between addons, the laughable very small list of true ‘study level’ aircraft; the list goes on. And that is X-Plane, so all you’re doing is throwing stones in glass houses.
FS is no different, it too will require lots of input from the community to improve the many woefully inadequate airports that exist in FS. Not one sim I have owned from back when FS9 was the latest has ever not required significant input from the community. Frankly a gateway for FS is something many of us want to see too, and we are not mugs for wanting it, we just want to take the rough edges off the scenery where we can.
We always say X-plane has a great flight model because… We always say that X-plane has a great flight model. There is nothing backing that claim up. They advertised it in the FSX days because it was the only thing X-plane had over FSX because the rest of the sim was awful and everyone was flying FSX.
If people repeat it enough then it becomes known as ‘the sim with the great flight model’.
In reality even a real pilot can’t say much about it because desktop flying is anywhere near the same as the real thing. It’s all subjective.
They improved the sim since then but it’s basically a hobby project by the founder. The G1000 is great though.
lets think all pls about that, if Austin say that MSFS is better than his XP (and if this is true) then this will be total end of XP. I expect then now he will stay at his idea to infinity, no other way. As I said before, XP11 was perfect sim in times that MS sim last version was FSX but time change. My opinion.
I’d guesstimate around £400+ on software add ons. Mainly ORBX sceneries/airports & various 3rd party airports/planes. They all enhanced the experience.
I expect to do the same with MFS also. Just think this sim already has such enhanced scenery as standard. With XP I was always tied to flying certain areas where the scenery was.
Now I’ve been in all continents already in new sim.
That’s simply not true. There has been many many real pilots that said the flightmodel in X-Plane was in overall better than in P3D/FSX, when asked about. And i almost never have heard an experienced pilot denying that. So there is a very simple and logical explanation why people keep saying this: it is simply true. You may want to deny it, it won’t change the facts.
You’re just listing a bunch of stuff, seemingly without knowing what you’re talking about. X-Plane isn’t perfect, but you’re not going to find any serious simmers or real-world-pilots (of which I am one) who will abandon it simply because FS2020 looks nice.
Which - currently - is most of its draw. Sure, FS2020 will improve, but that’s seemingly a ways off and potentially reliant on 3rd party fixes - ironically, what you seem to be inaccurately stating here as being needed by XP.
If one were to purchase XP11 today, they would find that, while not perfect, most things work as expected, and the included aircraft and avionics work. Just go watch some videos on the default XP Garmin units, and then compare to FS.
Regarding airports - I fly in the US, and most airports I fly to are fine, as I don’t spend a lot of time taxiing around to see if they’re exactly like their real-world counterparts. For any that need updating, World Editor is easy to use and fairly bug-free. Have you even tried to edit or create an FS2020 airport? I have. Right now it’s a mess.
You may want to keep in mind that what you’re critiquing is being read by people who use both sims and are able to be objective.
If you like a sim without working real-weather/winds and without any usable aircraft, sure, you won’t need to remember that working sim called X-Plane. You would also be very satisfied by using GTA V