would anyone be able to fix up KYNG and make it look like the actual airport that would be awesome as i am only 16 miles away and possibly have the C-130s sitting at the base if thats possible and then have the Winner Aviation hanger there have it look excatly like the actual airport would be awesome thats the only airport i take out of if im flying
Yes that would be awesome!
you need to open flightsim.to and look down to requests/scenery and place the request there. You need a photo or two as well.
Yeah its pretty gnarly. I used to live near there and worked at the base. I barely have time to fly right now let alone do airports. KYNG and KAGC are on my top list to give a shot.
i did and posted a picture
That would be great as I’m in Greenville, PA. For all that don’t know Youngstown is on the Ohio side of the OH-PA line. A smaller airport that is close by is Port Meadville and it’s not correct at all but I understand it would be mind blowing amount of data to get local airports correct. Youngstown though is a Reginal/Military airport that should be better.
ill check that airport out whats the icao
ICAO code is KYNG
no not for youngstown for meadville
My google-fo has only given me FSX converted scenery and nothing is currently on flightsim.io.
Just in case I missed something is there a native MSFS free or payware add-on for KYNG?
There is a payware one out there:
It doesn’t look like the best representation though. Three of the buildings have coloured roofs, and it looks like they should be white. I checked both Bing, and Google.
All their stuff seems to be FSX conversions.