For those wanting more “immersion”. What if PMDG locked up your plane until you performed some kind of maintenance to comply with real-world Airworthiness Directives (ADs)? Immersion, or too much? Maybe, but Here’s what the FAA just issued for the entire 737 line except the MAX and BBJ. Operators have until December 27 to comply or their aircraft will be grounded:
This affects nearly 2,500 US registered aircraft at an estimated cost of $7M USD to US operators. Here is the official FAA AD: Federal Register :: Request Access
Either way, thanks for the heads up! Didn’t know this AD was out.
I think if there was an ‘opt in’ it’d be pretty cool. You’d be able to stay up to date on current events as well. Or a 3rd party program that tracked all of this stuff and ‘grounded’ your planes automatically. Neat idea though.
Actually, I believe this is a “proposed” AD, and comments have to be received back from airlines and other interested parties by 27 Dec per 14 CFR 11.43 and 11.45.
So there won’t be any groundings on 27 Dec.
I’d be right PO’ed if my virtual aircraft had to be updated to comply with virtual ADs. And, if not, someone from the virtual FSDO would come by and tell me my aircraft is unairworthy and had to be grounded until I virtually complied.
Dealing with ADs IRL is enough. Simming is a good escape from reality, in this regard. Having a virtual FAA (motto: we’re not happy until you’re not happy) would make me take up another hobby.
Correct. It is a NPRM so there could be different outcomes here. But the root issue is safety and airworthiness related so sure something will need to be addressed. This is just the standard process to hear objections.
I don’t think it’s a “dumb idea” - but I’m pretty sure only a small minority of simmers would be interested “for the added immersion factor”. Perhaps a third party developer could produce something which of course would have to be optional, too small a “market” for MS/Asobo to bother with.
Just trying to slow roll the OP’s comment that the 737’s were going to be grounded on 27 December.
There’s the comment period, then the DoC/FAA analysis period, and the final announcement.
Don’t doubt that there will be an action taken, but if you tell people the fleet will be grounded in 6 weeks, some folks are going to take that as gospel and start changing plans.
Folks, while this is a fascinating dive into real world operations, let’s please get back to the sim in a manner other than theoretical. Currently there is no product that matches this AD model or is limited programmatically by Real World ADs. Otherwise let’s move on to other topics. Thanks.