Your bandwidth is too low (February/March/April 2023)

Same as well.

Problem of having the sim online for key aspects. It doesnā€™t work. Bored now of the constant connectivity issues - we need an offline autogen upgrade or otherwise, so it looks better when playing offline.

No we need a solution.
This is unacceptable !


Sigh, this is still an issue. Been having this problem for months now. It did feel better the week before, only getting the warning but reconnecting directly afterwards. I tried to do a few flights this week, all during different hours in the day. In all of them the bing maps and weather got turned off sooner or later. It looks worse than in FSX.

This just shows that the whole concept of streaming everything does not work. Itā€™s just way too much data thatā€˜s being sent around. And a classical case of how MSFS became a victim of itā€˜s own success. Is it the sever which isnā€˜t able to handle all those request, is it a western european relay thatā€˜s limiting the traffic, who nows. But I also think that the whole fundament MSFS is build on was flawed from the start. And now all they can do is patchwork.

Iā€˜ve invested so much money into computer, yokes, throttles, pedals, airplanes and scenery, which all make the decision to walk away harder, but I think itā€˜s time to look for another hobby. This is just becomming way to frustrating. Wife will be happy though :slight_smile:


What happens at the moment is this: to get photogrammetry back , you have to press escape, go back into the data settings, turn it back on and then wait several minutes for ā€˜apply and saveā€™ to be processed. Then after around 5 minutes the bandwith message returns and so on and so on - a total immersion killer. If the servers canā€™t be fixed, it would aready improve the experience if you just got a quick notification that photogrammetry is switched off and the sim would try automatically to reactivate it when the servers allow it.


Exactly !!

It isnā€™t just photogrammetry that gets turned off. I could happily live without PG. At least for me, everything online gets turned off. Thatā€™s multiplayer (donā€™t care about that), but also Bing maps and live weather. ā€˜Online modeā€™ gets disabled completely. If I try to go into the settings and turn it back on, the sim hangs or even CTD.

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wrong :wink: ā€¦ It need applications which have a different handling of how to load data and what do to in case of network problems. Cancel the whole flight, let the application crash, or other thing like show popups which nobody need, is not the ā€œbest wayā€. Therefore I assume it has the ā€œbug-loggedā€ flag that these application behavior will be improved , and may be also in parallel some issues with servers, networks, etc. ā€œoptimizedā€. But that not mean, that the whole concept will not work. That also simple show us the majority of players, which never see the popup and more important that I can fly in sceneries, for which I never ever would have enough free disc space to can fly that ā€œofflineā€.

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The problem is de loading time after the disconnect.
Bingdata etc enable again takes time.
So not a good idea.
We do everything to make this Sim as real as it gets and then we are good with all kind op pop-up messages and reload time and CTD"s.

Please do not PAUSE when this happens.

Iā€™m getting straight CTDā€™s now, you can see the live weather going crazy, then then PG goes melted chocolate then a CTD. Was fine yesterday.

I just started the sim and wanted to fly a lap. After the very long loading, the message ā†’ your Bandwidth is too lowā€¦

Another night when you canā€™t play.

When will this finally be fixed?

West Germany

I got bitten again today by the Low Bandwidth bugā€¦ turning into offline mode then back to online mode had no effect at allā€¦

Middle Netherlands here.

And again just a moment agot. Flying in Hawaii, sitting in South Germany.

What can I say.
Time for a D check.
Sim is unusable and still no news about why this became an issue for so many (for me after AAU1) and others after SU12.

Iā€™m losing hope this will be fixed soon

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The Netherlands, Western European Server. During take off crash in the trees and select restart, click on fly, and then the dreaded low bandwith message pops up and the game freezes. Had to end it with the taskmaster.

We are back againā€¦ Nice :confused:

constantly disconnecting here.
iā€™m on a gigabit fiber network with 0 package loss.

i havenā€™t flown in a long time, wanted to come back and do one.
and i had this like 4 times in the last 15min.
constantly have to go back into the settings to enable bing data.

Honestly, I was shocked when in the latest development update video they said, they had trouble reproducing the issue. How do they not have a possibility to monitor the load on the servers worldwide when having a stable connection is absolutely crucial to the sim working at all?


same here, Germany. Ths is so annoying. It happens every day around those times. Near impossible to fly in evening hours here. My bandwith is fine, its gtting lost on the route to you.