Your bandwidth is too low (February/March/April 2023)

Today I fley over New Zealand and had alot of this bandnwidth problem, to the point where I landed on a field were the airfield could not be seen at all.
But after that flight I made a new flight (without restarting) over Norway.
I didn’t get the bandwith problem a single time! But a butter smooth flight with great scenery!

Yes I know, this problem was reported before the last WU, but could there be a link to the problem?
All of my last flights over New Zealand had the bandwidth problem.
Flying somewhere else … no problems!
Ok I must admit that I currently fly less because of the problem.

It’s happening everywhere.
Flying in Europe, Asia, North America, etc.

Still getting this server side error. Fix it pls. :frowning_face:

I am sorry…throttle goes up and down at will. …james

A post was split to a new topic: The sim is stuck on the loading screen after launching a flight

Same here in Southern Germany. Loading into a flight took around 5 minutes and went into the bandwidth message right away.

Together with a team we made a lot of traces and analyzed them with Wireshark and at those moments when the bandwidth error is there it’s at that exact moment there is no response from the servers where Bing data is located.

It’s difficult to make this kind of analysis because of missing info from Microsoft.
But when the message appear there is no response whatsoever

Sometimes when the loading is slow we also see many retries on tcp level which makes it slow.

That’s all I want to add.

And feel free to change everything at your side but it’s not a client issue.

For me I say goodbye for now and see if it’s fixed later on this year.


Same here since today, Netherlands too. Weird thing is that I get this message constantly when starting a flight at different spots in the world (Japan for example, loading takes ages too) but when I start a flight in the Netherlands the loading is done within a minute and I don’t get this bandwidth error :-/

It’s happening here as well (Germany). A couple of hours ago I got blurries while flying over Scotland, and now, on a flight near the Congo River, I can’t manage to switch on Bing graphics at all.

I just keep getting the “bandwidth too low” message (it’s defnitely not too low on my end) and get switched back to offline mode.

Do you use Rolling Cache and you fly in the Netherlands a lot? If so, you probably still have the Bing textures for a big part of the Netherlands stored on your drive, so the server issues aren’t a problem there.

Same here, constant bandwidth too low message in the London area.

Getting this error too, in the Netherlands

Nope that’s not it - actually I deleted my cache a couple of days ago and since then I only did a bush trip over Japan.

Same problem here in The Netherlands…and when you get a message related to it (like reconnection or so…didn’t had the time to read it because I tried to keep the aircraft on the runway…) during flare, you can not keep the aircraft on the runway after landing because steering the aircraft during the time that the message is in your screen (in VR) is not possible…so you roll full speed off the side off the runway…There goes my flight rating at “My SF Flights”…

Takeoff in HNL, right turn, “Your bandwith is too low”.
Man. Every. single. flight. now.


Yesterday flown in Japan, from Tokyo to Toyama, after approx 30 min the terrain became completely blurred with no autogen no ATC voices and then connection lost.
Today flying in Tasmania, took from from Lanceston to the north, approx 30 min, then terrain became blurred, after few minutes connection lost.
This is very irritating!!!

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since su12 I get a overwhelming count of low bandwith messages even though my connection is fine the sim then proceeds to put me into offline mode (photogrammetry and bing world data off) after reapplying those settings the sim refuses to load the menu again and eventually freezes/crashes.

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The issue is with the MSFS live server. Nothing to do with our internet connection.

There must be something happening on their CDN cloud deployment or cloud networking… Azure?

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Same issue here in Germany (flying over Portugal/Spain). This is really annoying.

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same here, located in northern germany… constantly getting the bandwidth message, activating bing data again takes time and after 3-4 reactivations you might get a CTD as a reward.

it’s highly frustrating


Issue ist back for me as well. Based in Germany, too.