Your bandwidth is too low (February/March/April 2023)

During the workdays it’s ok but during the weekend it’s just non-stop…and that’s obviously when I’d have most time to fly. It sucks.


Same as yesterday. No Fun anymore.

West Germany


I am also affected and get this message regularly. I also checked my router settings to see if there were any disconnections but negative, no problems with the internet connection.


Yep it’s back again.

If only it would say “OUR bandwidth is too low”…

Mine is just fine.


Based in Germnay - and just happening to receive “Low Bandwidth”. I have 250 Mbps - looking at Resource Monitor…

For real Microsoft?! Stop claiming it’s on user’s end.


Same here, Western Europe. These ever annoying intrusive pop-ups and disabling Bing World Graphics. Trying to reactivate them gets the sim stuck. Great way to waste my long weekend.


Again here in NL as well. Now on Proton VPN to US. So far OK.

Well, i’m new to MSFS 2020 and was getting more excited about the sim as i’m figuring things out, and busy trying to capture footage for my first MSFS youtube video…and then out of nowhere this bandwith too low error. Also can’t reactivate.
Really annoying/frustrating. Messed up what was supposed to my chill/relaxed msfs evening.
I have awesome internet connection so that’s not the problem.
(i’m from the Netherlands, in case that’s relevant)


Well a lot of Dutchies at least having this issue - We’ll just have to be patient until this is fixed :-/
I did a lot of testing and for some countries the loading works flawless while for other countries I get the bandwidth error (or the flight loading screen just hangs as 100%). Seems like the servers have issues with streaming data for certain areas…

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PLEASE someone from Microsoft / Asobo talk to us. There should be more information than just “we’re on it”. We are not just (un)happy idiots. With a problem this big I think we deserve proper communication.


same here, I can´t activate photogrammetry. I thougt 250 Mbps should be enough…

i am wondering whether this is a problem that is indeed primarily present in the Netherlands and Germany or if there are just so many flightsimmers in those countries

Like I said above.
It’s not the client side what has an issue.

Does the VPN “workaround” still work btw? I’m at the end of a free 30-day trial period of a VPN provider and was about to cancel it now but apparently this mess is still going on. (With VPN to the US from Germany never had an issue so far but my last flight was a week ago.)

Hi BeetjeVreemd !
I had this problem only very, very sporadically, mainly when there was a heavy data load during the updates.
BUT I got a nearly permanent connection loss after I deleted the rolling cache.
Reinstalling the "Rolling Cache " in GENERAL OPTIONS > DATA
by setting
"ROLLING CACHE [ON] and (!!)
"ROLLING CACHE LIMIT [ 100] ( in my case)
gave me back a permanent internet connection.

Good luck
bye, walter


In my case, I have indeed deleted and disabled rolling cache just some days ago as I experiended stutters… idk

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For what it’s worth, I never had this issue in all the time since the very beginning of MSFS. It only started happening to me for the very first time around the time SU12 came along.

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Back to the VPN I go!

Seriously, how can it be this bad?!

Yesterday i had a connection loss loop with no buttons to get out of msfs. Had to kill the game in steam.
Loaded into the cockpit, got the bandwidth message and that it will switch in offline mode and that window did never close then but also there were the buttons missing on the button.
A new annoyance :roll_eyes: :sweat_smile:

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Where are you located?