Your bandwidth is too low (February/March/April 2023)

They never once said that … what they did say last time was they were investigating a provider outage in the Netherlands, presumably this was near their Western Europe servers. I imagine that one big problem is weekends is exactly the time when such providers decide to perform their major maintainance and I can’t really see what MS/Asobo can do about it … Make threats maybe but when does that ever work?

You can’t really see what Microsoft / Asobo can do about this?
While downloading or streaming with full Gbit for other applications and streaming services are flawless at that exact time when MSFS has bandwidth errors?

So this is a maintenance issue of the ISP…
No it’s not!!


Well, here we go again! I just bought MSFS about two months ago for 120 Euro and within a day or two I was already confronted with this annoying “bandwith low message”. I wish I would have known more about this problem beforehand. After all this fuss with FSX in the past and then MS Flight I would have never bought MSFS if I would have known about this. I should have stayed with P3D and not waste my money on anything Microsoft related. I don´t think I will ever try to trust this company again. How can it be that this problem has been going on for nearly three years without any fix? Why is there no information from Microsoft to the cause of this issue? I am not going to spent another Euro for anything related to MSFS. I feel sorry for all the developers which have decided to create excellent add-ons for MSFS. I am sure this is going to be a big problem not only for Microsoft, but also for all the businesses which have decided to create products for MSFS. Now I understand why there are some developers which still have not ported over their excellent products from the other platforms to MSFS. I believe this is a serious trust issue concerning the future of MSFS. The streaming seems to be the key to the simulator which a lot of times is not working. How am I supposed to buy add-ons for MSFS when there is no guarantee of the functionality to the sim? Why should I be spending more money on something which doesn´t really work after having been on the market for about three years? I am glad I had the chance to evaluate within such a short time if I am going any further with this sim. Really, I honestly regret my decision to switch to MSFS. For me it is a waste of time to wait for information or a fix, only because this issue apparently has been going on for years now without any solution. At this point I don´t think there will ever be a solution to this ongoing issue. I have been playing many online games in the past. Yes, there have been small outages here and there. I never experienced a company not giving any information not fixing these kind of issues. Btw, I usually never write in any of the Forums. I hope everyone understands what kind of frustration I needed to even be willing to write about this here.


Today everything is working normal again for me, without changing anything on my side.

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Eventually the issue will be solved by not showing the pop-up box but Bingdata still not loading after sometime and have a scenery like pre FSX times :wink:

The low bandwitdth problem exist even in the Nordic countries where we have excellent internet connections. So the disconnection problems is a MSFS problem.

I just tested my download from ISP, and no problems at all. But MSFS disconnects frequently today. You can notice when the World Map in the Welcome page takes ages to load. If trying to FLY before loading is ready will crash the sim.

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That is the most worrying (and insulting) thing: The silence on several key issues, many of them bug-logged since october 2020.

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They are not silent. @SeedyL3205 has posted in this thread asking for volunteers to give their data to MS/Asobo for further research.

Despite all negativity in the world, I still hold the believe that if people are of good will in general
and if they are asking for input, they will do something with it. So in my opinion they are working on this - it must be said - very very annoying and immersion breaking bug.

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Located in Germany, Bavaria

It should work for ever and not only some days per week


They could at least have done something about the intrusive pop-ups. Btw: I do believe they (Asobo) are doing their best and are of good will. But that doesn’t take anything away from the fact that it’s taking them a worrying amount of time.


This issue has been horrible since SU12.

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Maybe not your ISP but there could be dozens of different operators between you and the MSFS servers, the closer to them an outage is the more people affected and an internet service map might shed some light.

Yes ofcourse. I only mention that it works today for me without changing anything to make it clear that it’s a server issue, not something on our end.

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as if the bandwidth problem wasnt enough, i’m constantly getting CTDs with this error code:

Exception code: 0xc0000005
Error offset: 0x000000000258a8a9

I checked all my drives, i DDU’d the driver, i made stresstests with 3D mark… everything appears to be fine. Just MSFS crashes all the time and i have no idea why :frowning:

Just leaving ORD and it happened again.

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And again. Flying in South Germany, Sitting in South Germany.

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happens everytime open the game…


7 hours in on a 15 hour flight and no errors. USA based internet.

Amsterdam 19:25, again (after 30 min. flight). Was stupid enough to set Bing to ON again. Had to force-quit again.
Although this always was an issue, it has progressively worsened since MS Azure server-issues, back in Januari. Their continuing silence on this is infuriating and unacceptable towards their customers.
Edit: I have Gigabit internet, and never any issue with bandwidth.