LOL, have to chuckle but you are absolutely correct. It is terrible, even at FL400. I spend most of my time in the cockpit so I can let it pass, but that’s hard to do when the game pauses when the message pops up.
Even I got this briefly over central Sicily today but as it was only bing scenery and everything else stayed connected I’m thinking server side changes might be afoot, possibly seasonal or even totally new updated textures. We can always hope
Last flight i also got this message. Also ATC stops working every time after a few minutes. Also it seems that APL2 is considering the bandwidth message like you pause the Sim and you lose points
I get the same message and at times I lose everything and have to load the flt sim again. How about fixing this problem!!!
Just want to chime in and say I’m also facing this issue pretty regularly. Located in the Netherlands. 500/50 internet.
Anyone have experience with using a VPN and if that fixes it (or improves it)?
When I have no bing Data in MSFS, it is at that point I switch off and go to XP12, with X-World… at that point the shine has gone for me in MSFS. The beautiful living breathing world is now gone!
It seems that we are getting more and more users with the same problem. Yesterday I wrote a message directly to Asobo asking why there is no official statement to this issue with the bandwith too low, but no answer so far from them yet. I´m from Austria and I face this issue now for 2 weeks continously.
Mine never pauses when message comes up.Flight just continues.Must be a pause setting somewhere to turn it off.
see here,that´s the way to handle this; Please wait an hour between posts in this topic
That is the disconnect / connect box which is small and disappears and will appear green when connection is resumed.
The Bandwidth error stops the Sim!!!
I still fly the aircraft manually as normal
Hello @Leo122109,
The MSFS Community Team has posted several times in this thread, including in this post where I made a direct request to anyone experiencing this issue asking if I could contact them directly for more information to help the devs determine the cause and resolution to this issue. Additionally, this topic also has the bug-logged tag, which means it has been acknowledged by the dev team and entered into our internal bug tracking tool. Finally, the panel of Jorg, Seb, and Martial discussed the issue of Bandwidth Low/Connection Offline errors during the most recent Developer Livestream (linked below at the appropriate timestamp):
We are aware of this issue and treating it seriously.
Thank you.
let’s hope they will find the cause soon.
Not displaying the bandwidth box is not a solution, because the scenery looks terrible without Bingdata.
Now that you mentioned this, maybe it seems to pause at random times when the message appears. Maybe I’m confusing a different notification with the one that causes the pausing.
What I can definitely say is that the last 4 times that the ‘bandwidth too low’ message appears, the sim has paused. I can say this for certain.
I’ll have to really pay attention to this in the future.
I am fine here in the Netherlands with photogrammetry turned off, and the manual cache filled with the areas around departure and arrival.
Wirhout the manual cache scenery loading is slow. I’m not sure if this works in all cases, but so far so good.
So the scenery between takeoff and landing you just don’t care??
What about VFR and also IFR where the Bingdata brings the Sim close to reality.
All gone!!
Only Bingdata on departure and arrival is no go for me
The scenery between take off and landing is still downloaded from the server, but is less detailed (because flight level is higher) so ot is less data intensive and therefore downloaded quicker. It really works for me so far.
Manual Cache has been jacked/clunky since day 1.
There really needs to be some attention on this matter.
I mean, why do we have to zoom in so far to have Hi-Res textures? Just let us crop our area, then decide what resolution we want to download it.
I may want to download the whole State of New York in Hi-Res. To do so in this currently would take way to much time. I’d like to be able to select a vast area to download, then have an option to select low-med-high textures.
the topics are in meanwile all like loops with the same info / posts
If we by repeating infos, then we should not forget to allways mentioned the FAQ
But that google-maps-hack is not the solutions for all users , and seems not related to the “newer” kind of issues related to “low bandwith” some users run into ( where users reported they had never installed google-replacement-mod ).