Your Current TOP 10 Aircraft

A race is a race!! Go karts are slow, but if we all have the same then it’s about maximising what you got under you!! I think it will be fun if we can get a few of us together :smiley:

Awesome! Let’s get it on!

I’ve never done anything like organising an EVENT before but how about this?!

  • AIRCRAFT: Wilga 35X or 80X
  • MEET: Llanbedr [EGFD]
  • WHEN: To Be Decided - maybe Sunday 5th March 2023 at 18:00Z ???
  • SERVER: West Europe
  • REGISTER: Just post your name here and if that time is OK or we can come to some other date / time that suits everyone better.
  • FUEL: 100% filled
  • LIVERY: Any DEFAULT livery (important so we see each other)
  • FLIGHT PLAN: Meet and wait at EGFD (map below). When we are all together, fly and circle around the GROUP ENTRY point. When we are all ready, start the loop!
  • RACE: Unlimited laps but let’s just have fun! Get back to Llanbedr when we are near running out of fuel :flight_arrival: :fuelpump: :flight_departure: - if we want, go again! Nothing strict just some stunts’racin’n’fun :smiley:

I can post this in the Events Category I suppose if we get something more concrete :slight_smile: ??