Your Current TOP 10 Aircraft

Since I’ve discovered it’s possible, in the current physics engine, to configure planes that are a) not made of polystyrene, b) don’t get blown around like a paper bag and c) don’t have the reflexes of a grasshopper, I’ve got to revise my list -

  • Ant’s Tiger Moth
  • Blacksquare King Air - makes it because you don’t really hand fly it & when you do it’s OK.
  • JF 146
  • PMDG DC-6 with the proviso they get round to fixing the autopilot again.

Things I’d like to put there but won’t

  • JF Hawk & Pipers - FM in beta & needs some fixes still.
  • Hype EC145, which might get in there one day when you can fly it & not argue with it.
  • DA62X - good systems, but bland.
  • V1 & 2 Islander mashup, because it’s a complete mashup of a FM. The Trislander is solid, but not quite as much fun.
  • BR Goose, the FM has suffered but it sounds & looks so good.
  • The FI warbirds who’re most of the way there, but still far too stiff to fly
  • The patched Beaver, because I liked it I remember but haven’t wanted to fly it in so long I’ve forgotten.
  • The Caribou, coz the model is lovely, but they half-ar**d the FM.

Everything else, out of the list. Right now there’s a lot of entries for the regrets thread, wherever that went. Yes, even the Wilga.

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