My list for August;
First off just a note to Baracus250 I stand in awe of what you have done to promote this list and thread within the community. Absolutely first class what you have done. I think its a very poor show that Microsoft have not showed you some form of gratitude at the very least a 6 Month Game pass.
- Asobo\Working Title/ Citation Longitude . When the manufacturer uses photos from MSFS to show the plane on its own web site, that is testament to its real life replication. I recently purchased some headphones and wow, the sounds of the APU and Engines starting up through the headphones is just sublime. This is just so wonderful to fly and experience those sounds through the head phones
2 Simworks Studios (SWS). Kodiak 100, Such a wonderful plane to fly and with exemplary developers. I use this extensively to fly over Scotland and it highlights for me everything what is extra-ordinary about the sim, committed developers, 1-1 replication of the real plane, Daher support to the developers. Watching a professional Kodiak pilot fly it in PNG is just magnificent
Missionary Bush Pilot - YouTube
- 737-700, (PMDG) Outstanding developer and products that have provided the benchmark for others
4 Microsoft/SH Software ATR 42-600/72-600 Brilliant plane now made even better supplemented by an ATR Training Captains videos on how to fly it (9) ATR 72-600 for MSFS tutorial by ATR instructor – Part 1: Power up from cold & dark - YouTube
5 Marwangharib the developer, its just humbling how one developer can bring such an incredible jet and replication of it into MSFS
6 Asobo\Working Title/ CJ4 When a real life jet pilot announced ‘this is as close as you can get to flying the real life CJ4’ that was good enough for me’ (2) How to Start the Citation CJ4 | AAU1 | Microsoft Flight Simulator - YouTube
7 Asobo\Working Title Boeing 787. Oh boy…I had flown the 787 before the WT update but after the Working Title update two Boeing Pilots one a training captain and the other a 787 pilot indicated it was currently a 85% replication of the real plane (2) Learning to fly the MSFS Boeing 787 with a Real 787 Pilot - YouTube that was enough for me to get back into it in detail
8 Oliver Moser /Junkers 52 Oliver Moser is an intellectual giant and exemplary software engineer that has produced a plane the personifies all that is good about MSFS
9 Fenix Airbus 320 Great developer even more so with the update due to fall soon and the introduction of the Airbus 319 next year.
10 Antonov An2 Microsoft\Inbuilds two great companies build an amazing replication of the real plane. Slava Ukraini ! This plane will never leave my list while the people of Ukraine fight for freedom
I look for high fidelity to real life plane combined with engagement of development team with community and level of software engineering being implemented in terms of raising fidelity and replication of the real plane. The developers above do that and more in my opinion. I started in simming because my grandson asked me ‘how do planes fly’ its been a blast so far both on the Xbox and on the PC