Your Current TOP 10 Aircraft

The changes to my top 10 are mainly related to new hardware I’ve picked up, specifically, a VKB Ultimate Mk4 Gunfighter Ultimate stick and the VKB STECS throttle (replacing my CH stick/throttle and the Thrustmaster TCA Captain Stick). As a result of these new acquisitions I’ve mostly been flying stick planes. Moreover, I’ve been gravitating towards “easy to fly” planes due to limited time.

  1. COWS DA-42. A new number 1! Took me awhile to warm up to the DA-42 as I almost felt she was too easy to fly. But she matches up with my new hardware perfectly, and just a low stress place that feels “right”. The glass nav is easy to operate and I can nail most landings with her. Flying the DA-42 more than any other plane atm.

  1. Black Square TBM 850. Hasn’t been getting much flying time as I’ve been avoiding traditional yokes lately, but she’s still a stellar plane with lots to do.

  2. Fenix A320. The consensus top airliner for me. Easy to fly and great for long haul.

  3. PMDG 737-800. My first “tough” plane. Haven’t flown her in a long while and probably should get back to her as I wait for the 777. Top notch.

  4. Kodiak 100. The very first payware plane I ever bought and still holds a special place in my hear.

  5. Cirrus Vision Jet. She’s getting a lot of flight time now. Like the DA-42 easy to get going and hit the skies. Looks good. The Bose headphones on the dash is incredibly annoying (though easy to get rid of them), but otherwise a joy to fly.

  1. Black Square Analog King Air 350. Very fun and easy to land.

  2. Got Friends Wilga. Have had many good times with the Wilga. Love the view from the cockpit and like the Comanche feels very authentic when you fly her.

  3. Comanche. I mean we all know about the stellar sound and flight model. Not a fan of the auto-pilot stuff but that’s just my personal preference and not a flaw per se.

  4. FSR 500. A garage queen of late as I have a ton of payware planes, but I remember how much I enjoyed flying this plane.

Random Planes that didn’t make the cut:

  1. Heatblur F-14. Finally have taken her out a bit and will probably break my top 10 eventually. I fly in DCS (main the F-16) so I kinda want weapon systems and the ability to blow stuff up. I swear if Microsoft decided to enter the military game like DCS they’d probably end DCS and dominate the market (as the developers of DCS, ED, can’t get out of their own way). Not sure why Microsoft doesn’t take that market as the F-14 shows the potential.

  1. OV-10 Bronco. Ugh…I want to love this plane. The views out of the cockpit are IMHO the best in the game. Feels like a Star Wars Tie Fighter. But I simply cannot land her properly. 80% of the time I’m either crashing, going off the runway, flipping it, etc., and I can competently land 99% of the planes in MSFS. Not sure what’s up, but if I ever learn to land her she’ll be a top 10 plane.

  1. BAE-146. Honestly the only reason this plane isn’t in my top 10 is I find her to be so accurate that it is difficult for me to invest the time to get her going and flying her correctly. The lack of VNAV is also an issue. The thing is, she is AUTHENTIC, which is awesome so no shade at the developers at all; they’ve done a fantastic job. But I just can’t find the time and patience to fly her atm. She’ll be back in top 10 eventually I’m sure.

Planes I will probably buy eventually:

Leonardo Maddog
PMDG 777
Black Square Duke

High Fidelity Planes I want
AC-130 Gunship