Your Current TOP 10 Aircraft

hmmm…3 empty slots…get ready for the Wilga blitzkrieg! :joy:

I’m not saying a word. 7 is a perfect and LUCKY number :wink: :four_leaf_clover:

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Unless he is on Xbox like I am and has to unfortunately wait for the Wilga to come to Marketplace. Boo!

Well, the Wilga and the Tiger Moth are the obvious choices for two of those slots. We don’t even need a blitzkrieg since we’re all agreed on that, right? The only remaining question is which one to put on the third slot since unfortunately putting the Wilga or Tiger Moth in that slot a second time is frowned upon :sunglasses:

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Things get dicey when you get close to #10! The Chipmunk is genius though.

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The Wilga and the Tiger Moth are both going on my all-time top favorites list, they are both so genius!

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Yep. Did nothing but fly it around to various bush strips all weekend, and it was a blast! Even landed in some tiny snow-covered strips in the middle of the forest in Alaska. Haven’t tried the floats version yet, though.

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Seriously off topic at this point, but UK prices include 20% VAT/Sales tax.

My No. 10 spot is still “everything else” :stuck_out_tongue:

Blackbox Islander - This one has been towards the top of my list for quite a while now and it is staying put. Fun plane for me to fly around the Carribbean and other island locations, great sounds, she handles really well. Makes me smile while flying it.

Big Radials Goose - My favorite water plane to fly, the sounds with those big ol radials humming just outside your window is very satisfying. Flight model feels good as well.

Flysimware C414 Chancellor - The flight model to me is one of the best in the sim (Xbox) and along with the sounds this gal is great to fly around touring from city to city.

Aeroplane Heaven\Asobo DC3 - A cool vintage plane to fly, landing can be a challenge but enjoyable to learn it.

Carenado Beechcraft Model 18 - Took me awhile to figure out takeoff and landing, but you get a sense of accomplishement after finally stopping her, putting her in park and shutting down the engines.

Carenado Beechcraft Staggerwing 17 - Fun little vintage “luxury” cruising type plane. Looks great, sounds great, a joy to fly.

Blackbox Trislander - It’s like the Islander but with a 3rd engine, hell yeah! This gal is great to fly as well and needs to be in my top 10.

Blackbox L19 Bird dog - Bought this after reading this thread and I can’t say I am dissapointed. Been using her for some bush flying, great sounds and views coming from this gal.

NextGen Embraer 110 Bandeirante - I used to fly this quite a bit and did enjoy it even with its faults. She lands so smooth. Would be great if the dev showed her some love going forward.

Asobo Longitude - Not into airliners all that much but when I do want to fly a fast jet the Longitude works well for me.


Sorry, OT again. Would this be suitable?

Hidden Link 1

Or better to get something more chunky / ugly but with cooling from here as examples?

Hidden Link 2

And do any of these limit data speed or is that down to the drive? I see the one on Amazon says 1000mb/s, but some disks can do 7000, right? Or is that only if plugged direct to the motherboard?

Been looking at the Wilga, any idea about the amount of memory the download uses, getting short of space on hard drive.

I’d have to check to be sure, but the download is only 1.6gb, installed I think it was well under 4gb but am not 100% sure. I can check later to be precise but am not on my PC now. Bear in mind you’ll probably want to grab some extra liveries :slight_smile:

But, just delete something else if you need to! :floppy_disk: :broom: :smiley:

After flying the 737 700 I got to pick up the md 80

The Wilga occupies 5.98GB of space. Without any custom livery, just as it is when it’s downloaded and installed.

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I’m an expert at going OT, lol. But maybe this is pertinent since all us addon addicts are running out of disk space.

The USB 3.2 enclosures will go to 10,000 MB/s all depends on what your SSD drive and the USB port will allow. Yeah, some of the Gen 4 SSD m.2 drives will reach 7000 MB/s and the USB 3.0/SuperSpeed port will reach 5000 MB/s, USB 3.1/SuperSpeed 10,000 MB/s.

A good enclosure will provide plenty of cooling with a heat sink, an all metal case with fins is the best for cooling. Also, newer m.2 ssd sticks have thermal protection, they will throttle down if they start getting hot, but you need to reach serious read/write speeds for that to happen, I doubt loading scenery in msfs will be a problem at all.

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Yeah, if you’re loading 890 addons at launch with a wd HDD usb drive, just take a nap while you wait.

Hehe. 980 actually :stuck_out_tongue: — and only about a third of those are on that drive, but yeah it’s noticeably slower. And loading Addons Linker the first time in a day is really slow as it’s reading even the things that aren’t “ticked on”. However closing the Linker app and opening it again later on is much much faster, so it seems to stay in RAM even after it’s been closed and the sim has been running for hours, which I found strange.

That Islander is cropping up a lot on Top 10 lists. May need to get out the piggy bank.


I think there are now two of us that have voted for it!

Ah, must be the Gipsy Major engine doing its magic. I’m flying strapped in behind one as well. But I’ve got twice as many wings as you! :wink:

I’ve seen a bit mixed reviews about the Chipmunk but I have to admit I’ve thought about getting it from time to time. It’s just one of those planes with the x-factor that makes them stand out. Oh well, maybe one day.