Your Current TOP 10 Aircraft

Apparently they had just come from a display in Ireland too but routed over Duxford to do that pass. I’m sure it wouldn’t have made them late to arrive in Denmark if they had just done ONE loop together. What would that have really taken them… 12 seconds? :smiley:

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  1. PMDG 737
  2. Sting S4
  3. Kodiak
  4. Just Flight Hawk
  5. Milviz 310

I am tempted by the 414… very tempted…

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I don’t have a warbird… the Spit tempts me

Go for it! awesome plane.


Here is my current list:

  1. Milviz 310R
  2. Cessna 414
  3. Sting S4
  4. Fenix A320
  5. PDMG 737

Now im starting to learn the Bae 146 should be on my list soon i hope.

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The Twin Beech and the HJet are definitely throwing a wrench in my Top 5. Will they survive? Who will get cut?

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Corsair!! !!!


Bell 407 heli in the 40th anniversary edition.

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The Peugeot (pronounced Persh - Oh here in Australia) 407 …

Not in my Top 5 Aircraft.


12 seconds could make all the difference if the Danes closed the bar early :wink:
I mean the jockeys might miss out on a glass of Pimms, the humanity :rofl:


Yes, a wonderful plane.

Here’s a bunch of photos from Duxford 2022. I picked out my best ones in this folder:

But took over 600 and some videos!

Videos: Dropbox - Videos - Simplify your life

More photos here: Dropbox - The Rest - Simplify your life


Awesome! Thank you for sharing these.

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Wow thanks so much, some great photos in there

According to the discord the plan is that it will be out of beta in about a week at which time the price may go up.

Not saying this will happen but mention it as a possibility FWIW.

Bought it yesterday, so far so good


Apparently, there’s a few interesting things still to be added to it so looking forward in that regard to the next week or so :slightly_smiling_face:

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My pleasure. Wasn’t the best light all day for good photos. Outdoors was gloomy (British you couldn’t say) and inside the museum was very dark except the light coming from the front glass wall so made everything really silhouetted. I tweaked the raw photos of some to bring out some details but not brilliant sadly. Got a decent camera but I’m no pro photographer!!

Yes! Should be good. I really like the flight model and the texturing/3d modelling. Better than the 310 in my opinion.

Yes, I agree. I would just like a bit more systems fidelity like we have with the Milviz 310.

Maybe that will be coming soon ??? If more systems depth does come then I think that it could arguably be the best GA so far in the sim.

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