Your first 40th Anniversary aircraft and from where?

The first aircraft I want to check is the DC3. I’ve missed it so much in this sim. But I don’t know where start the flight. Maybe Meigs? Anchorage? Villavicencio in Colombia?

I think it could be a good a idea if we share our aircraft/airport combos for discovering the new planes and locations.


Wright Flyer at Kitty Hawk


Helicopters. I already used 3rd party addons, but I can’t wait to use the ones provided by Asobo.

For those, like me, who don’t have much time for long flights, supplying mountain refuges by helicopter can be both challenging and realistic.


Either the Jenny or the C-47.
Think I will throw a dice, even numbers is Jenny, odd numbers is C-47.

Takeoff will be Meigs, what else?


Probably the ones I am least interested in :slight_smile:

Airbus A310 - KJFK to KLAX


It’ll likely be the Beaver. It’s the only small plane I’ve ever flown in, got to sit in the right seat, and got to hold the yoke and control it a bit in flight. This was back when I was about 14 years old (many, many, many moons ago). I never forgot that experience. In reality, I didn’t really do much “flying” as I was holding controls in level flight. Regardless, that left me marked forever, and it’s left a special place in my heart for the Beaver. I’ve been a big fan of Beaver since.


A310 for sure, from EGFF to EGCC. I just completed that flight on the FBW A320 learning now to fly that aircraft. It will allow me to relax a bit since I kinda know the route with learning the A310. Least thats what I keep telling myself lol


The iconic Air Transat A310 from CYQB to CYUL, to test this overpowered beast!


DC3 cant wait, up to 5gb so far lol the suspense is killing me lol

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I was thinking the same. Finally got to visit Kitty Hawk for the first time this summer.

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ZSNJ,China. My hometown.

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Some of the trans atlantic flights good old Air Plus Comet used to do from Madrid to the Caribbean with their trusty A310 should be nice…

Actually, It´s the only thing I´m intereseted in in this update (and very much so!).

I guess with helis on xbox, the upgrade to V1 pedals and the new flight stick are in order. I’ll try my hotas/pedals but may be a bit sloppy. Now they need a collective
that clamps onto the center post of an office chair…

Definitely interested in the helis, the gliders, DC3 and the Beaver, although the new Flotiak may not make it as interesting an ad on as I thought it would be. Will fly the Wright Flyer and the Ryan as well, not too much interest in the Airbus or Goose. I’ve never really enjoyed anything above a twin TP commuter and the occasional bizjet.

ETA: oh and the Jenny! Love me some bipes.

Think the DC3 will be my new hero of the pack though, if they’ve tamed a taildragger enough to feel like one and not some weird taildragger ‘game’ you have to play.

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That’s probably it. If only to check how the wing warping works out. Then Jenny and Spirit of St. Louis.


Cessna 172, circuits at Meigs Field, 12 years old again… except the visuals match my imagination this time. :slight_smile:


Definitely the DC-3, I am really hoping its good, doesn’t need to be completely study level, but just good enough. I’ve been really looking forward to it.

After that, the A310, save the best to last!

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Glider, 1st glider lesson. Great stuff.

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DC-3 from CYYJ

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That’s exactly what I did! Had a few hops in the Wright Flyer. Managed to make it to the end of the runway before I had to land pretty sharpish due to trees. Then loaded up the Jenny for a fly about and quite enjoyed it. Had a brief stint in the Spirit as well but then I started getting the connection error popups so giving it a rest for now.

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