Your highest altitude so far

Just curious to know how high everyone has flown. I’ve only gone to 40,000. Not sure how much higher is possible…

Edit: Please feel free to post a pic of your crazy altitude exploits :slight_smile: :crazy_face:

Only 23000ft… on a Savage Cub over Fuji…

275000 feet. That was using slew mode though. :wink:


Are you sure it wasn’t 13000ft? Mount Fuji is 12333ft and the ceiling of the Cub is around 14000 :slight_smile:

Mine was 33.000 in a CJ4.

It was 23000… it took some time to get there though…

guess the performance of the Savage Cub leaves something to be desired when it comes to realism :slight_smile:

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You can just about get to FL600 in the small Citation, but difficult to keep it there. FL550 is pretty stable.

started stalling at 58k feet :sweat_smile:


35ft since the sim is yet to be flyable, just kidding FL410

Had FL400 in the TBM (it could go higher) - ceiling is only supposed to be FL310! :thinking:

Yep I’ve emailed Savage and demanded they fix the plane to make it as realistic as the sim.

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Not in slew, no ‘cheats’, just adjusted the temps a little - 23,415ft in a 152

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