Has anyone else experienced this? I am taxying to Sydney’s RWY 16L and there the taxiway doglegs to the right, it goes over a vehicle tunnel. However the concrete roof of the tunnel is raised above the ground. my airplane crashes into the tunnel roof and bounces back onto the taxiway. Just to get me to giggle, a car and a bus jump up out of the tunnel, go across the grass between the two taxiways and duck down into the tunnel again.
Is this just me or are others seeing the same problem taxying to YSSY Rwy 16L?
Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
1 Like
Mike could you let me know what YSHL looks like…do I need to take my chainsaw? Thanks in advance.
LOLL!! l I never got there so I dont know! But i was headed for Shoalhaven Airport just south of Wollongong. It’s a bush airport but it has its own Qantas B747-400 though resting in peace there.
I did laugh at these buses and truck and cars jumping up out of the tunnel lunder the airport, racing across the grass and then diving back down into the tunnel.
Mike Kear
Windsor NSW Australia
You mean the 747-400 that is actually based at YSHL… at the HARS Aviation Museum.? Well it was at HARS yesterday, must have quickly flown down the coast:man_pilot:
Yep that’s the one. It was HARS that i was trying to recall but my addled old brain wouldn’t bring it up… And Uncle Google wasn’t any help either.
Have you tried YSSY and found the same problem as I have taxying past the Control tower?
Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
■■■■■■, did no one ever fly out of YSSY in the testing phases? Surely this didnt just occur afterwards?
That’s basically why I am asking. I’m confused. However this issue appears on the taxiway so if you spawn already on the runway you wouldn’t notice it. On the other hand maybe i’m the only one with the problem in which case I need different help.
Mike Kear
WIndsor, NSW, Australia
Ill be having a look tomorrow. I generally fly from YSSY when flying commerical IFR routes in a 737 (on xplane) but seeing as we dont have the 737 yet, havent bothered to go there. This has annoyed me though.
Hi, just took a look for you, no issues here.
GFX set to medium, Photogrammetery on
Tested 24/8/2020 ~ 2AM AEST
Happy to test anything else if you’d like.
Please Mike, don’t talk about addled old brains! Oh by the way, the grass strip I believe you may have been looking for is Jaspers Brush …39 48’54.27S 150 39’42.22E. I have landed there a couple of times IRL, rough as guts to say the least.
Confession time. Whilst you can see I was a tester, I have not as yet purchased said MSFS2020. I am still under the NDA and have had two warning shots across the bow…so I have to be careful re any reference to the Alpha or Beta version. That was one of the reasons why I asked about the tree population density at YSHL. I didn’t really have much of a sticky beak at Sydney YSSY, just flew around and over the bridge (that’s not a bridge)…and across to Manly. I actually have the Fly Tampa Sydney airport installed on my current sim which is superb.
I am just waiting for the dust to settle on MS2020 before making the decision to taking the leap. I have invested so much in my current sim that MS2020 would have to be bloody superb for me to dust the moths away from wallet.
Thanks for testing it for me. That’s how it’s supposed to look. That explains why there hasn’t been a wholesale objection from people about YSSY - it would seem it’s a corruption of my installation somehow. Now i have to figure out how to get someone to help me fix it.
Mike Kear
WIndsor, NSW, Austrlaia
Worked for me too BUT when you taxi onto and off the road bridge the aircraft bounces slightly. Of course it shouldn’t do that.
I reported this here on August 20, and as far as I can tell nothing is done. I am guessing I’m the only one this affects. So I guess I need to reload Sydney Kingsford Smith airport YSSY. Does anyone know how I can do that? It was one of hte so-called ‘hand-made’ airports with the original Premium Version of MSFS. What’s happening is this:
On the taxiways to RWY 16L and 16R/34L you go over a bridge where the public road goes under the airport. But the bridge isnt on the same level as the taxiways (there are two that go over this bridge - see pictures). The aircraft will bash into the bridge deck and if i dont have accidental damage turned off, it wrecks the nosewheels. There is basically no way to taxi from the terminals to RWYs 16L, 16R or 34L
SInce there wasn’t a big protest when MSFS was relealsed, I’m assuming something got corrupted on my download of YSSY. SO how do i fix it? OR alternatively, how do i get Asobo to fix it if it’s affecting everyone else as well?
Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
I have landed at YSSY multiple times and taxied to the gate without any issue. I remember using the approach when we can see the opera house to the left, faced no issues mate.
If you are experiencing this problem, you would have to land on RWY 16L which is the domestic runway not 16R which is used for international arrivals. Taxying from 16R you dont go over this bridge. To see this problem, (if you have it that is,) you need to taxi to RWY16L from a terminal via B, cross RWY07/25 continue on B, left at B10 to RWY 16L. Around where you pass the control tower, before you meet taxiway B10, your aircraft will stop suddenly and you’ll almost break your nose on the EFIS panel.
Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Yeah, I’ve seen this too so I taxied via a different route. I should have reported it myself but I didn’t.
Traffic also comes from strange places arount that part of the airport.
Yes it’s fun and a bit startling to see traffic bounce up out of the tunnel under the airport, dart across the grass between the taxiways and then disappear underneath the other taxiway. I can certainly testify, as someone who has made many real life flights from that airport, that there is no road traffic that darts up onto the airport grass and then vanishes down underneath the taxiways and runways again in real life.
In the light of Yuudai5178’s comment, I’m now thinking it’s an error in the scenery file, not something that happened when I was installing MSFS. So I’ve lodged a bug report with the dev team.
Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
1 Like
I have received an email from someone saying they’re from the Microsoft Flight Simulator Support Team and t hey’ve accepted this as a bug.
I’ll assume its genuine for now. Seems to be (but i get so much spam from people claiming to be from Microsoft its possibly not genuine)
Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia .