So all of a sudden my mouse wheel zoom is not working in external view OR cockpit view, all cokcpit instruments remain actve and working. Mouse wheel works for everything else on PC and at menu screens in the sim but it will not zoom in or out; keyboard is also assigned - and = to zoom and these do not work either…
Any ideas before i do a fresh uninstall? Tried various things such as ‘Repair’ in MSFS app settings, unplugging mouse, trying different mouse buttons to zoom which do not work.
An uninstall won’t help as your settings are kept in the cloud, and will be restored with the new installation.
Did you try restoring your settings to default?
Did you check to see if any other command had been assigned to the “mouse wheel down” that may be overriding it (use - select an input)?
Mouse wheel is only assigned to the zoom in and out cameras as I searched it in the ‘select input’ bar. So frustrating, and have tried resetting to default. This has happened overnight without anything being changed by myself.
Reset CAMERA settings to default and then input binds again into control settings. Strange one, has taken me a day or so to figure out as the scroll button was working for other things. Something in camera settings affecting it, no idea what or just a weird bug.