-- Update Issue (you do not have enough disk space)

Hello DrizzlyPrism745,

I also have the same issue but it has not worked with me. I downloaded MSFS from steam and tried downloading in my 132gb usb e:/ it still says dowload to a subfolder and when I made a subfolder and selected it, it still said not enough space in this disk pls help.

Hello Doraeemon1, I am not familiar with the Steam install. However I found this straightforward utube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7je6TrAvJfc) and notice the two steps – quick install of the main program within Steam and then when the program launches and wishes to download the REALLY BIG CONTENT – you can select another drive and another subdirectory. CAUTION: 132Gb drive may be insufficient! After purchasing a second 1Tb SSD that is currently dedicated soley to MSFS 2020… I am nearly at 300GB! Yes, I’ve installed all regions, etc. There is a LOT of information in this forum and online and in youtube about installing and migrating and managing MSFS across multiple drive. I wish you well.

So now I’m having that problem, it’s really strange it doesn’t even says how big is the update, my FS is not even installed in that folder (c) but whenever I choose the folder where it is located it’s starts buffering and goes to the second pic attached and just stays there forever, any suggestions??


Here is the pic it does not let me upload 2 pics since i’m a new user

I just want to update, have over 200G available and it still says not enough disk space