[] SU15 Beta Survey - Performance (Xbox)

Please indicate your playability of the sim with the following statement - Xbox performance (frames per second) in this build is generally:
  • Great
  • Good
  • Acceptable
  • Poor
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I don’t understand why every update, whether beta or normal, can kill everything. Since today’s .12 version, it is no longer possible to start a flight on the Xbox. First attempt spwan in EDDS with lfvr a319 ctd shortly after loading. Second attempt restarted, all cache delete, already a CTD in the world map with cessna caravan default one. The performance in the menu and especially the world map is very strange. Stuttering on the map is very high, connected to 1/2 second freezes.

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Frustrating. Is that with a complete Xbox restart as well?

I’m holding my breath. First flight from KMIA, LVFR A321 it was very stuttery and I got BS but this was most likely caused by Pushback Toolbar Pro. Second attempt without using the Pushback addon it was fine, but still very stuttery. I’m on route to CYUL 3rd party, I hope all goes well.

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Yes, I do that after every flight. Strange situation at the moment. I think there something wrong with the installed world update Germany. Airports, e.g. in the USA, don’t cause any problems

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Funny, no update has shown up for me yet on Xbox X

Tried multiple flights out of KJFK with Live Traffic in PMDG 737 and A320v2. Framerate is way worse than its been the last few beta builds. Performance was slow all the way through takeoff and climb. It wasnt until after getting some altitude and distance from the city that framerate got better. But even then, framerate still felt slower in the cockpit. 20 minutes into the flight and in-sim clock was already lagging behind by 6 minutes


I did quite a lot of testing lately and can confirm that this ‘tool’ causes a lot of trouble on SeriesX! Same goes for the ‘tree-height’-mod, btw.!


Yeah. It needs patches because it doesn’t work with 747/787 either. But still, I had pretty good results with it prior to this build. But it’s way too early to tell anyway to come to any conclusion about this latest build. But the stuttering at KMIA wasn’t good.


Overall OK but nothing massively improved like su 15 seems to suggest. On Xbox X here. I still see many stutters with add on planes and airports, depending if it’s a mega airport or detailed plane.


LOD? Any difference? I can’t check now.

Do you have BmWorldAmSim Miami

No, still at the LVFR one.

None that I can see yet

So, fortunately the arrival at CYUL was without major issues so no BS and offcourse no CTD. That’s a relief. Stability passed.

What I noticed so far, still very early days offcourse: FPS took a hit, it feels more sluggish and more stuttering. But, and again this is only a first impression, I think the LOD and pop in are improved. Buildings, jetways, cars etc are all rendered good. At least, at CYUL 3rd party it was. With heavy traffic and bad live weather and this is by no means a light airport.

Perhaps this explains the decrease in FPS. Not major, but noticeable compared with previous builds. More testing the coming days.


I just completed a flight from Brussels to Edinburgh (Both third party), with the PMDG 738. The flight was pretty smooth from start to finish, I just had a few minor stutters on approach to Edinburgh. Nowhere near as bad as with SU14, but were definitely noticeable. The only thing that really annoying me just lately is the ground lights keep blacking out. I’m guessing it’s the tile loading and then removing the lights from the tiles it is replacing. I would say performance was slightly better in the previous build. I will test more over the weekend though, as it could just be server related.
Oh, one other thing, the world map seems really sluggish and stuttery in this latest build too. It was smooth in the previous build.


Did you noticed any performance decrease while at cruising level and panning around the cockpit? To me this too feels more sluggish.

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I did have a few minor stutters when cruising but was smooth for 99% of the flight. The stutters seemed to happen when I opened the vfr map when in cruise. When I closed it again, it was fine.

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Yeah, I must say my route from KMIA to CYUL was very busy lots of traffic. Perhaps that explains it a bit.

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Stability is still spot on, but performance seems to have reduced slightly. I don’t actually know why, as I’m not getting any better LOD than the previous build! They should have left it how it was in the previous build IMO!

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