10-15 FPS on 3080 purpose-built PC

Your experience is opposite mine…

On release it crashed randomly so often I didn’t have time to find what frame rate it might been running at.

Today its very stable.

Yeah, I know many people experienced and still experience the opposite. Thing is I’ve never had a CTD.

You are the man.

And now please enlight us with some knowledge about constant 30 FPS in this simulator. Thanks.

A lot of people don’t have issues. Instead of blaming them pull your finger out and do your own research. Also don’t go cheap and buy AMD never had issues with Intel/NVIDIA.

My machine is a windows 10 Intel i7 9700k with 32gb ram and a Nvidia RTX2070… I have two samsung NVMe SSDs on PCIe3x8. It is a solid machine, but it isn’t exactly this weeks hot rod.

It runs higher than the middle settings at 30+ most of the time.

My only irritation is the CPU drop-offs that I don’t really think are MSFS, I think they are windows… FPS sometimes goes off a cliff, but CPU loading drops too. It isn’t something else taking power away.

Generally my CPU is loaded at only about 50% while running smooth, but when it chunks out CPU drops to about 10%… So it isn’t overloaded. Windows is tasking it with something stupid. Haven’t figured that out yet. But it isn’t frequent enough to really be a headache.

Use Process Lasso it’s free.

Link, or it didn’t happen… :grin:

Trust me, this CPU was anything but cheap. More expensive than most Intel’s out there. I’ve been with intel my whole life. For my work needs this CPU does more than any intel’s on the market at this date.

No it doesn’t. People here on the forums say that because they come here when they are having problems but most people have no issues at all. Saying ‘stuff gets worse’ is not a very good analysis. The updates fix a lot of things and bring improvements, but create new bugs like it always happens in software development.

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Works just fine for me! Sorry to disappoint.

My words to the issue(s): 90% of the issues I experienced in MSFS occured after some update. Later every problem finally got solved, but I must say it’s getting really on my nerve more and more that every time an update is about to be launched I expect the simulator to get in serious trouble.

This time it has reached its unpleasent climax and to me there’s only a option: If Asobo is unable to run the simulator including the updates properly without all these troubles, I won’t buy anything at the marketplace anymore. It makes no sense to spend 50 € on an airplane which ends up running like you’ve installed the sim on a floppy disc PC from 1992.


I am finally getting decent framerates (locked at 30). My CPU does have one core that is working much harder than the other. I have an i9-10900k, 2080 Super, 64G RAM. But I did notice that the internet activity was much higher. I have a 1 Gig fiber with my PC tied directly into the main router. I still come back to a lot of the issues are server based. That’s why there seems to be so much randomness in performance from player to player.

Yeah, limiting to 30 does get rid of stutters but once you descend over a big city/airport your frame rates will drop dramatically. That’s the downside of limiting the frame rate that much.

Try to disable complete Ai, had the same Problem and Multiplayer was of , its mutch better now for me, not complete gone but better and lets say flyable.


This happens to all the new cities and world updates over seas in Europe. It’s not optimized correctly and it messes everything up. Content is more important than performance with fs2020. I used to be able to fly over London and all kinds of places in Europe before any of the updates and it just crashes now.

Seems to be memory leaks or bad programing. Either way 3070 32gb 3800x most places I can get up to 80 to 100 fps with optimized setting. When over European cities it drops to 15fps in a heartbeat and crashes.

Thank goodness the Japan update didn’t mess up the Sim because I love flying over there. As well as the USA update.

I don’t see why they don’t implement DX12 ultimate tech and use the mesh technology. Lower mesh with same quality would be more performance and same quality.

They built this Sim on old technology and now they are paying the price for it. Either way love the Sim. One day it will be different.

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So what performance problem is that exactly? I think there a many performance issues not with the code.

From my perspective it’s specific scenery which causes issues not the rendering engine. Specifically Bluesky’s London and Paris.

Performance generally for me isn’t bad, so when I see posts saying performance had dropped from one patch to the next with no further detail - that’s super annoying!

I rarely hit bugs like we had around Dallas (flying close to large airports bug).

Glass cockpit and AI also continue to eat frames but while this can cause micro stutters it doesn’t really bring fps down a great deal and the glass cockpit displays will be improved in the next Sim update in two weeks.

Yes, that looks right to me. DX11.

Have not seen that. If I unlock fps, high altitude is 45 or so. Cities drop to 30. Thats why I locked it.

It is maybe dissapointing, upsetting, yes, but it is logical when you read this thread Post 15:

Good education for me. Core count does not rule over core speed for this task.

The simple answer is that it hasn’t. Something is going on that is affecting the performance on “some” machines, not all. If it was something to do with the fundamentals of the game itself then it would be the same for everybody, which it isn’t. There is only one real way to understand the problem and that is for two people with the exact same system, one with good performance and one with poor performance to compare notes because there must be something different. Computer programs don’t make a conscious choice to perform badly, they just do as they are told.

My System: AMD 3900x, Gigabyte RTX 3070, 32GB Ram (3000mhz), Sabrent 2TB Rocket NVMe PCIe M.2, No Rolling Cache, WT Mods (not g1000), 20 Active Mods, Thrustmaster Stick and Throttle, StreamDeck. 4K High-End (Ultra with lightweight planes). 99% Smooth Gameplay.

If you have the exact same hardware as me and you get 10fps then we can compare and find a cause. If not, it’s like whispering into the wind. Anybody running a 3090 with a high end processor at 15fps is doing something wrong, sorry, but there is no other way to put it. Something is not working as it should with your system.

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