10 degree heading bug BUG back again


Description of the issue:
Using Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant, Heading moves 10 degrees. This is a bug that has existed since FSX, and was present in 2020 but was fixed in one of the updates. It is now back in 2024. The issue was some kind of conflict with the Honeycomb Alpha Yoke. I confirmed that unplugging the Honeycomb Alpha, the knob on the Bravo will increment in 1 degree. Plugging the Alpha Yoke back in will cause the Bravo to increment heading in 10 degrees.

Update to Bug Report 11/25/24
I had a suspicion that it may have something to do with the control profiles because this issue is not present in all planes, just specific variants.

  • I tried switching profiles on my Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo.
  • When I switched the HC Alpha “Airplanes controls” profile to the default 2024 profile, the HC Bravo knob moves the heading bug in 1 degree increments.
  • Switching back to the custom profile that I was using previously that was moving the heading bug in 10 degree increments, it is no longer moving in 10 degree increments, but now 1 degree increments.
  • I backed out of the game to the menu.
  • I loaded back in to verify if this issue persists or if the issue has been fixed.
  • The heading bug is moving in 1 degree increments.

If applicable, which aircraft is experiencing this issue:

[PC Only] Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? If yes, are you still experiencing the issue?
I have no addons. My install is completely vanilla.


How often does this occur for you (Example: Just once, every time on sim load, intermittently)?
Every time using the increment knob on the Bravo Throttle Quadrant when the Alpha Yoke is plugged in.


Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue:

  1. Have a Honeycomb Alpha Yoke and Bravo Throttle Quadrant plugged in.
  2. Try to change heading bug on the Bravo Throttle Quadrant.
  3. View 10 degrees of increments.
  4. Unplug Alpha Yoke.
  5. View 1 degree of increment.
  6. Plug Alpha Yoke back in.
  7. View 10 degrees of increments.


If the issue still occurs with no mods and add-ons, please continue to report your issue. If not, please move this post to the User Support Hub.

What peripherals are you using, if relevant:
Honeycomb Alpha Yoke
Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant
Saitek Rudder Pedals

[PC Only] Are you using Developer Mode or have you made any changes to it?
No and No.

[PC, MSFS 2020 Only] Are you using DX11 or DX12?

[PC Only] What GPU (Graphics Card) do you use?

[PC Only] What other relevant PC specs can you share?
12900k, 64GB RAM. M.2 SSD


Please add a screenshot or video of the issue occurring.


:loudspeaker: For anyone who wants to contribute on this issue, Click on the button below to use this template:

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

Im not experiencing this with my alpha and bravo. Seems tp be functioning normal for me. I am able to move hdg in single digit increments or more if i spin faster, spd in flc mode in 1kn increments, and altitude in minor and major increments, all with both the alpha and bravo plugged in.


Im glad to hear that not everyone is having this problem. I have noticed that the problem is not present on every variant of the 172. It is also a problem I see on the 208, but not every variant of the 208. Im wondering now if it has something to do with the profiles.

I also didn’t see this bug with my Alpha & Bravo setup with either the Cessna SkyCourier or Cirrus Vision. Haven’t tested the 172 yet.

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Update to Bug Report 11/25/24
I had a suspicion that it may have something to do with the control profiles because this issue is not present in all planes, just specific variants.

  • I tried switching profiles on my Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo.
  • When I switched the HC Alpha “Airplanes controls” profile to the default 2024 profile, the HC Bravo knob moves the heading bug in 1 degree increments.
  • Switching back to the custom profile that I was using previously that was moving the heading bug in 10 degree increments, it is no longer moving in 10 degree increments, but now 1 degree increments.
  • I backed out of the game to the menu.
  • I loaded back in to verify if this issue persists or if the issue has been fixed.
  • The heading bug is moving in 1 degree increments.

Is that means that you’ve found the solution and it is not a bug anymore ?

I tried it on the 172 for my update and everything is fine there. So I moved to the 208, and now Im seeing that if I have a custom profile in the Specific controls, that it is moving in 10 degrees still. Changing Specific to None it moves 1 degree. Duplicating maintains 10 degrees. I am in the middle of creating a new profile to see if it is just the one I made or if it doesnt matter what bindings I make.

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I thought I narrowed the problem to a specific binding, but unfortunately it is not that simple when I tried deleting different bindings. When I delete the first 7 of 15, top to bottom of the Specific bindings, the bug will move at 1 degree. But if I delete from the bottom up, it wont do 1 degree increments until I get to the last Specific remaining active. Avionics Bus 1 to Power Distribution Bus Off.
So I think Im narrowing it down but not quite there yet.

The Specific bindings I have enabled are:

  • Avionics Bus 1 to Power Distribuion Bus Off
  • Avionics Bus 1 to Power Distribuion Bus On
  • Avionics Bus 2 to Power Distribuion Bus Off
  • Avionics Bus 2 to Power Distribuion BusOn
  • Battery Bus to Alternator Bus Off
  • Battery Bus to Alternator Bus On
  • Ignition Decrease
  • Ignition On
  • Starter/Ignition Off
  • Starter/Ignition Start
  • Fuel Pump Off
  • Fuel Pump On
  • Fuel Pump Set
  • Fuel Selector Valve Off
  • Fuel Selector Valve On

Delete whatever bindings you have set to the Avionics Bus Switches on your Honeycomb Alpha Yoke.

Deleting the avionics bus bindings in the “Specific 172 Skyhawk controls” resolved the issue for me! So there’s the bug…

I don’t believe it’s a solution, but a work-around to mitigate the bug in the short term.
MS/Asobo still need to resolve the specific reason why binding the avionics buses interferes with the heading “bug” control.

Also have this in the 172 on the winwing throttle… some aircraft its 10 degrees per click and others its 1 degree… sometimes the 172 does 1 degree but not often.

Thank you for the bug report.

We have created an internal ticket to see if our team already has this logged, and if not they will attempt to reproduce the issue and create a new bug report. This item is now marked as feedback-logged. If there is an existing bug report or one is created, we will move this thread to bug-logged


Thanks for the workaround. I had remapped my Avionics Switches as well to work for the 172 and noticed the bug had changed to 10 degrees. Changing it back to default has reverted it back to 1 degree… Definitely a bug.

Thanks Chewwy! Has there been any progress on this one? It specifically seems to be tied to binding the toggle switches to the avionics bus 1/2 on/off (e.g. the ones in this screenshot). Unbinding those 4 specific bindings fixes the issue. I’ve got the toggle switches bound to lights & master alt + batt without any issue.


I have the same problem for the heading in the PC12 it is bound to an encoder and increment 10degrees. The other planes are fine

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Exactly this. I have been able to replicate it every time by binding the two avionics switches on my Alpha to “electrical bus 1/2 to Avionics bus 1/2” on or off. This seems to be the ONLY keybinds that actually work to turn on and off both avionics bus switches in the Cessna 172. Any “avionics” keybind that isnt “specific” for the 172 doesnt work. Like Narisko2464 said, unbinding those 4 keybinds fixes it, but then I cant turn on/off the Avionics switches in the 172 using the switches on my Alpha.

I haven’t found a consistent workaround to both be able to turn on and off the avionics switches in the 172 using the Alpha while also being able to do increments of 1 with the +/- bug on the Bravo. You basically have to choose one or the other.

If any of the non-specific avionics keybinds worked when binding them to those switches, this wouldnt be an issue. But the only ones that work are the ones specific to the 172. Why doesnt “Avionics 1 ON/OFF” and “Avionics 2 ON/OFF” work?

As I was typing this out, I was testing some other things to find a workaround and I found out that even setting a keyboard bind to the same function (plus/minus) still moves heading/speed/VS etc. value in increments of 10 when the Alpha avionics switches are bound. So its not just the +/- spinny knob (the unofficial term haha) on the Bravo that’s affected by this.

That means this issue stems from those specific keybinds and not the Alpha or Bravo. Mapping those two keybinds to anything will cause this to happen. I hope that makes sense.


I had the same issue and it seems I have resolved it by disabling “input repetition” for each of those 4 avionics bus bindings.


this indeed seems to solve it for me on a cargo 172 with alpha and bravo connected, with the avionics busses all assigned as well on the alpha. thanks for this!

I had the same issue using the Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo in a Cessna 172 Skyhawk and managed to solve it as well using answers from this thread, thanks a lot!

Strangely for me it did not matter if I disabled input repetition for the avionics bus and master battery switches on the Alpha. Even with an entirely empty profile for the Alpha the issue persisted.
I then started with an empty profile on the Bravo and only assigned the associated hotkeys on the left and right knobs. Changing heading now worked as expected: in 1 increments. Then I started adding my old bindings one by one on the trim wheel, flaps button, landing gear and lastly the switches and then found out the culprit for me was “cabin lights off” and “cabin lights on” with input repetition that I bound to switch 5 (button 42 and 43). Disabling input repetition on the cabin lights fixed it.

So definitely the cause of this increment bug is in input repetition with some bindings.

EDIT: I used the original bindings for the avionics busses (set avionics master 1 and 2). Indeed these do not work for the 172, flipping the switch does nothing to the avionics bus ingame. This is also why I still saw the bug with an empty Alpha profile; in my case the bug was in the cabin lights with input repetition turned on on my Bravo.

And as bradrayrich said, changing the avionics switches on the Alpha to “electrical bus 1/2 to avionics bus 1/2 on/off” and making sure input repetition is turned OFF fixes the increment bug while still being able to use the avionics switches on the 172.