I NEVER stopped using the FF2 joystick. I have several and bought extras on Ebay (just in case). The prices for these has skyrocketed. I love it for P3d AND MSFS. Combined with XPForce it works great. There are no drivers necessary. I use mine with Windows 11 now, and I’ve used it with Windows 10 and probably the Windows version before that. I cannot understand how simmers fly without one. I tried it in MSFS with a regular non-force feedback stick and it was like taking a bath with your socks on! Horrible! The feel of the tarmac when taking off and especially when touching down is necessary, in my opinion. It would be great if we could get the stick to react to TURBULENCE as well. I’m sure Microsoft has the capability of doing it. Why they don’t, I don’t know.
I would pay a premium price if Microsoft came out with a FF3. There is a huge market for it, Microsoft…if you are listening. I made a great living in marketing and business ownership, and I’m convinced that you’d sell a great many FF joysticks if you re-introduce the fabulous feel back to our beloved hobby, flight simulation.