Is there a bug report for this one? I can’t find one, and I really hate that I can’t set up controls on my 4K monitor PC.
I searched for “4K Settings Controls” and this is the closest thread I can find on the subject. The first 100 threads it popped up weren’t even close to any of the words I searched on.
It’s so stupid that with a monitor of this much real estate, they have to make the text 3/8" tall on my 55" 4K TV screen, and fill the rest of the screen with nothing… Guys (Developers), there’s no reason for this. I don’t even need reading glasses, I can read text a quarter of the size of the smallest text on the screen in this UI. Please bring back my ability to control text size in the UI. Who Ok’d this design??? Didn’t anyone use it at 4K who was designing the UI? What were they using for development and testing? A 15" screen or something? Maybe a 12" screen?
Edit: After all that, I found the bug report, and then I accidentally figured out how to figure out which button goes to which. For my Logitech Ex3DP at least (I didn’t notice it for my CHP Throttle Quadrant), on the left it had a list of all the buttons I could turn on and off for the command in question in the settings icon for the command. Talk about circuitous. Be that as it may, given they have this, I don’t know that they’ll fix the endemic problem as it’ll probably cause a massive rewrite of the UI.